August 14, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Je suis Spike, exclusively for RBN


The leftist media has ceded us ground.  Let us claim it, till it, seed it, water it, and harvest it.  The leftist media is pretty much forgetting that former President Donald Trump was shot, or at least they’re not much reporting on it.
This gives us the opportunity to claim it.  We need a proper descriptor.  I am thinking of using irony or sarcasm.
What do you think of these descriptions?
The rally where President Trump got shot was mostly peaceful.
The rally where President Trump got shot was mostly not shooting.
The air at the rally where President Trump got shot mostly didn’t have bullets.
The rally where President Trump got shot was evidence of a failure of imagination in the Secret Service:  Nobody could have predicted a patsy slanted-roof shooting.
What do you think?
FINISH THIS SENTENCE:  The rally where President Trump got shot was mostly _______________________________________________________.
The rally where President Trump got shot was predictable because, except that supernatural force deems it, there is no way Donald J Trump will occupy the White House again and that shooting is proof that his enemies will do whatever it takes to stop him.  If they can’t eliminate him, they may eliminate voting.
Thank you for reading this,
Je suis Spike