If God Saved Trump, Then a Question
July 25, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
NOTE from RBN:
All images via New York Times, the “publication of record”, who have obviously faked the footage which is far more questionable than the grainy low-resolution video where one can only barely see a bit of darkness on Trump’s hand after he touches his ear, which also obviously shows the subterfuge and staging of this false flag event wherein Trump used a ‘blood packet’ to fake the injury. (LOL)
Also, JFK staged his own assassination because he could in no way have overcome any of the forces aligned against him… and his soon-to-be-also-assassinated brother RFK, and MLK and Malcolm X too, were all just false flags.
So, we got none of that going for us.Everything is fake.
*** This is sarcasm, ‘folks’… calm down with the theoretical speculation. Your black pills are showing.
P.S. – The following article is well-written and is not endorsing these above comments, nor did the author ‘Je suis Spike’ send ANY of these photos with this article submission, nor did Spike write the captions to – or for – said photos/images.
By Je suis Spike for RBN
Many people have told me that God intervened in the assassination attempt on President Trump, or a guardian angel did. I don’t know about guardian angels, I haven’t seen compelling evidence of the existence of that position in The Book; but possibly God did personally save him. He’s been known to do stuff like that.
So, let’s presume that God did intervene, that He did personally spare President Trump’s life by causing President Trump to move his head out of the bullet’s trajectory.
This leaves me with a question. Could God not have preserved President Trump unscarred? I haven’t seen his ear yet, but I hear it’s pretty damaged.
I cannot believe that God was not quite fast enough to move President Trump’s head all the way out of the way. God could have stopped the bullet, dissolved it, made it fly straight up or, in any number of ways, kept it from striking President Trump.
So why did it strike his ear?
Is there a message there? Is God telling President Trump that he’s not hearing something? Is he asking President Trump to listen to something? To listen to Him?
Maybe, as I’ve been told a few times, I’m obtuse.
Still, why was President Trump’s ear hit, though his head and life were spared?
Je Suis Spike
I can’t believe anyone at RBN believes this Zio Moshiach Trump garbage.
It’s beyond disappointing after OKC, 9/11, Convid and now fake Trump assassination.
No one fired a live round at Trump. Others were likely wounded and there was possibly a murder. Collateral damage for the suckered.
Don’t fret. The Final Act is near. And you can cry for these z-R/z-D LYING MURDERING THIEVES until you get jerked out of your home for a beautiful TrumpoBiden jab.
Incredible… I suppose you watch WWE, too.
Wow. How do you know these things? Like nobody fired live round at DJT?
‘So, let’s presume that God did intervene, that He did personally spare President Trump’s life by causing President Trump to move his head out of the bullet’s trajectory.’
dear monsieur spike; sam andrews showed that God also sent a puff/gust of air to push the bullet off target, increasing the wind speed from 2 mph to 8 mph, briefly as indicated by the movement of the flag.
yours truly,
Would you please direct us to that Sam Andrews claim/demonstration?
live, monday, july 15 2nd half of 2nd hr, john moore’s show and i [sam] played that clip on my july 21st show, before the bottom of the first hour. ‘oh ye of little faith’ https://republicbroadcasting.org/yours-truly-with-mer-bailey/
https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/yours-truly-mer-with-mer-bailey-july-21-2024-hour-1/ clip from moore’s show is linked here,too
[sam d., my producer played the clip, not sam andrews, in case anyone is confused on that point]
pin-pointing clip location; 34:59-39:54 https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-john-moore-show-july-15-2024-hour-2/
Well that is interesting, thank you.
I think the question, though, is why would God allow Trump to be hit in the ear.
Sam Andrews and John Moore are both staunch ZIONISTS and “JEW” SUPREMACISTS.
They derive their livelihoods selling stuff to ‘CHRISTIAN’ ZIONISTS.
Mer, you are a Qlown.
8 out 10, because I know you have room to go.
Did God heal his ear?
Has he shown us the ear since it was shot?