Is Attorney General Barr a Coward?
December 13, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
By Jon Rappoport
“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP. [1]
That’s because he isn’t looking. Here are several sites, among hundreds, that carry evidence of vote fraud on a continuing basis: American Thinker [2], Infowars [3], Gateway Pundit [4], [5], the Air Vent blog [6].
Barr has now appointed a special counsel, John Durham, to look into…what? Russiagate? The man in the moon? Richard Nixon? I’m sure we’ll get a report by 2026.
Slick Willie Barr’s remark to AP sent a signal to judges and lawyers: the Justice Department isn’t active, relax, no need to rush, feel free to dismiss cases, you won’t be risking adverse consequences.
That, from the number-one law enforcement man in the nation.
Meanwhile, if you visit those sites, I just mentioned, you’ll find all sorts of evidence of fraud. Ballot stuffing. Invented ballots. Backdated ballots. Failure to allow observers to monitor massive amounts of vote counting. Statistical anomalies showing impossible vote results. Vote switching. Electronic machine vulnerabilities. Software back doors. Fractional vote counts instead of raw number counts. Dominion and Smartmatic connections to foreign entities. The vote-count apparatus connected to the internet and therefore vulnerable to switches in numbers. Battleground states stopping the vote count on election night, after which huge numbers of votes changed from Trump to Biden. Alarming numbers of affidavits from poll workers attesting to fraud. Boarded up windows to block observers from watching vote counts, even from a distance. Observers intimidated and ordered to move away from vote counting personnel. Reputable data analysts stating vote fraud was occurring on a large scale.
Other than THAT, not a hint of impropriety. Nothing to see, forget about it.
And Barr didn’t need to say he was sure the election was a fraud; he only needed to say there was reason for the DOJ to do an immediate and far-reaching INVESTIGATION.
But he wouldn’t even say that.
And lest we forget, this election was CALLED BY THE NEWS NETWORKS. That’s what “election result” MEANS so far. That’s all it means.