Is your Virgin Olive Oil a FAKE?
October 1, 2013 in News by RBN Staff
Posted Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 04:04pm EDT
It All Starts With A Plant…
Vegetable oil is usually made of canola (rapeseed), soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower or sunflower. These plants are naturally high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But the huge problem is: these kinds of fats are very fragile. Simple exposure to some heat, oxygen and even daylight can damage them – creating a bunch of inflammatory compounds while destroying the healthy nutrients.
Vegetable Oil or Gasoline?
Let’s take a tour of how your “healthy” vegetable oil is actually made, and you’ll see why you would be better off using it to fuel your car…Ever burnt oil over very high heat and ended up with a smelly grey compound you can’t wait to throw away? That’s exactly what happens with vegetable oil during processing… except manufacturers disguise their product by filtering, bleaching and deodorizing it before having the guts to ask you to pay for it.
European Secret For Leanness?
Olive oil is a staple food of the Mediterranean diet and one of the healthiest oils you can use on salads. It contains vitamin A, E, K, a load of antioxidants, which may help you slow down your aging process and keep a healthy-looking skin. But is it really a metabolism-boosting secret superfood? I doubt it. It does show some health benefits, but tropical oils (like coconut oil) pack a lot more nutrition, are much more stable and have a greater effect on fat loss.
Is Your Olive Oil Fake?
According to the US Pharmacopial Convention,16% of all olive oils on the market are adulterated in some manner. Because of different loopholes in labeling and commercial rights, corporations get away with importing olive oil mixed with corn, soybean or canola oils and still selling it as pure “olive oil”.
The Fridge Test
Is your olive oil legit? Use this simple test to find out:
1. Pour about ½ cup of oil in a glass and set it in the fridge.
2. Wait for at least 24 hours.
3. If it’s solid by then then it’s real. If it’s liquid then it may be fake.
The science behind this little experiment: real olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fats that harden when chilled, while fake olive oil will contain a ton of polyunsaturated fats (from soybean or canola oil) that will stay liquid.
Please note that this test is NOT 100% accurate. The best and ONLY way to verify if your olive oil is 100% legit is to find out where it comes from and make sure the manufacturer looks like he cares. You can also look for the following signs that your olive oil is the real deal: Dark Glass: Buy extra virgin olive oil sold in a dark glass bottle to preserve quality. If it’s in clear glass or plastic, the quality is likely to be low.
Harvest Date: Look for a harvest date on the bottle. Once bottled, the oil has usually a two-year shelf life.
Quality Seal On Bottle: Look for a quality seal. Some organizations like the COOC can certify that the oil is extra virgin and free of any cheap oils.
Is It OK To Cook With Olive Oil?
Quality olive oil seems to be more stable under heat than other cold pressed oils, thanks to the high antioxidant content. That being said, stick with low to medium heat when cooking to make sure the oil doesn’t burn and loses delicate nutrients.
Olive Oil Is Fragile: Keep It Safe!
The high polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats content in olive oil make it very prone to oxidation. Stick with small quantities of olive oil stored in dark or opaque bottles (or keep it in the dark at all times), and make sure to close the lid tightly after each use.
Cold pressed, organic, extra virgin olive oil from a small producer is your best bet. Olive oil contains fragile unsaturated fats and burns easily. Never heat it too much or you’ll create the same dangerous inflammatory fats contained in refined vegetable oil. Chances are olive oils you can find at your local supermarket are fake. Use the fridge test to be sure yours is legit.
Stick with olive oil in a dark or opaque bottle and close the lid tightly after each use to prevent it from going rancid.