J.K. Rowling unleashes on British politician for refusing to define what is a woman
March 11, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: patriots4life

Author J.K. Rowling punched back at a British politician on Tuesday who — on International Women’s Day — refused to define what is a woman.
What is the background?
Transgender advocates believe Rowling is an enemy of their movement because the “Harry Potter” author affirms the biological structure of sex and gender and believes that transgender ideology delegitimizes women.
In fact, Rowling believes that if biological gender is not real — and only a social construct like some LGBT activists claim — then “the lived reality of women globally is erased.” Rowling has repeated her beliefs several times in recent years, and, just last November, she vowed never to stop defending biological women’s sex-based rights.
What did Rowling say now?
On Tuesday, Rowling criticized Anneliese Dodds, chair of the UK Labour Party and shadow secretary of state for women and equalities, for refusing to define what constitutes a “woman” in a BBC interview.
When asked to define what is a “woman,” Dodds said there are “different definitions” and claimed “it does depend what the context is surely.”
“Someone please send the Shadow Minister for Equalities a dictionary and a backbone,” Rowling responded, adding the hashtag “#HappyInternationalWomensDay.”
Rowling then mocked Dodds in direct response to a video the British lawmaker posted for International Women’s Day. “This morning you told the British public you literally can’t define what a woman is. What’s the plan, lift up random objects until you find one that rattles?” Rowling said.
Rowling also said, “Apparently, under a Labour government, today will become We Who Must Not Be Named Day.”
Then, in response to someone who challenged Rowling about her legacy, Rowling said she plans to forever defend women’s rights.
“Yes, sweetheart. I’m staying right here on this hill, defending the right of women and girls to talk about themselves, their bodies and their lives in any way they damn well please,” Rowling said. “You worry about your legacy, I’ll worry about mine.”
Rowling has been critically outspoken in recent days about Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill, which would further codify progressive transgender ideology in Scottish society. Specifically, Rowling believes the legislation “will harm the most vulnerable women in society.”
“Multiple women’s groups have presented well-sourced evidence to [First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon’s] government about the likely negative consequences of this legislation for women and girls, especially the most vulnerable. All has been ignored,” Rowling said on Monday.