Jacob Rothschild – “Equality” is the End Game
December 8, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: HenryMakow.com
Dear Henry,
The Jewish question is a complicated one, and thanks particularly to the influence and persistence of my family, it is generally no longer considered by very many as the “Jewish problem”.
If you have moral qualms about people in power misleading the masses, especially misleading and controlling those who have rejected and persecuted your kind, that is your problem and not ours.
Is it because of your high regard for what you claim is the “truth”?
Your problem is that very few people with any common sense disagree there are such problems, and it appears that your only complaint comes down to the means we have determined as necessary for these solutions. You are correct in your assertions that many of these problems have been exaggerated and may not even exist at this time.
Also, with power and wealth you find out very quickly that when you have these things, it is very difficult to abandon or to share them. Yet, when you do have them you find you are able to increase them while at the same time making things more equal for everyone else under your control, and quelling disputes in the lower levels of your structure.
What you are concerned about are the methods we are using to solve these problems, which you say are “totalitarian”, and “communist”. To us those are only abstract words like the words ‘truth’, ‘freedom’, and ‘justice’, and in any crisis people mainly act on emotion and not upon actual fact, critical thinking, and reason.
Regardless of the substance of the actual problem, as long as the general belief is that it is a serious one, then all that matters is the solution and the cooperation with that solution. We establish the problem and we provide the solutions. It is not fact and reason which ruled the 20th century. It is the use of psychology and that is precisely why you have no real power despite your intellectual and journalistic skills.
Don’t you see that there is something much more important going on here than the actual control potential, or precedent, of people trained to receive yearly vaccines tailored to their special needs and circumstances. If my friend, Jacques, was right about centralized controls and communism, and if with Francis, the idea of “equality” is most central and fundamental to our Agendas and New World Order that when we say that “everyone must be vaccinated” then you see we not only mean it, but what you don’t see is that the “equality” is the very essence of what the entire exercise is all about.
Of course the masks are totally useless for the virus unless you have a flu or cold and you sneezed or coughed without a handkerchief. However, it is the obedience and conformity to our top-down commands which is crucial, that “everyone” wear one subject to government mandate or command. It is like a uniform to make everyone “uniform”. It is about instilling a sense of unity, conformity, obedience, and most of all “equality”.
As you must clearly see by now, the vaccines are even more psychologically important in the present program. It is the impulsive and unruly human mind which must be controlled. Francis agrees. The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation – psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental.
Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.
The psychology is very simple, and I am surprised you missed it for so long. If our governments are successful in inducing or forcing “everyone” to be vaccinated, it matters not what is in the vaccines.
Whether this conquering of alleged freedom, individual integrity, and personal ownership you so highly prize is to be easy or painful for you, we do not care.
In any case Henry, just think of how influential you could be with all of the dissidents still caught up with the your archaic ways of thinking using rational persuasion and reasoning with people to try to solve problems, when it all can be done with a simple little virus, easy deception, and a little jab here and there.