July 5, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
During a recent interview, fired FBI director James Comey called for more gun control against the peasants, but not for the ruling class he was a part of for so long. Comey also said the NRA propagates “lies” in order to keep Americans armed against their rulers.
“Surely there are things we can agree upon that relate to who’s able to buy a weapon, what kind of weapon and at what age, what the capabilities of the weapon are, how many rounds does it hold, and things like that, that in no way threaten the rights under the US constitution of people to keep and bear arms,” Comey said during an interview with the UK’s iNews.
Except, based on the very working of the second amendment, all gun laws are “unconstitutional,” of course, the ruling class doesn’t care what they do to those underneath them.
iNews quoted Comey indicating he is not for an all-out ban on private on gun ownership, but he does support making some rather strict changes to the current law, including an increase in the legal age for gun purchases.
According to The Hill, Comey also harshly criticized the NRA as standing in the way of securing these controls, saying,
“One of the worst things that goes on in the U.S. is the current voice of the National Rifle Association because it sells fear in the wake of any incident.”
He specifically mentioned the NRA’s opposition to the gun controls which were pushed in the wake of the December 14, 2012, attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Sells fear? Unlike the government who literally sells fear of gun rights to the left and then demands Americans simply disarm to be at the whims of those who claim the right to rule over them? The irony of that could cure the world of anemia.
While the visit to a local gun shop by an FBI Counterterrorism agent is no surprise, it should serve as a stark reminder that the U.S. government is vastly concerned about a well-armed populace. Gun rights have been gradually eroded in the United States for decades. –Activist Post
Comey added:
“I own guns. And yet I, like I hope all thoughtful gun owners, recognize that on the one hand it’s a right guaranteed in the US constitution, but like all rights in the constitution, it’s appropriately subject to reasonable regulation and restriction.”
Comey, a government agent owns guns? That’s not a big surprise. But notice he didn’t say he would be willing to give up any of his guns or restrict himself or the militarized police. Following the law is for those who are deemed less worthy of self-defense – especially against the government which is seeking to expand their power over everyone else.
What the government, James Comey included, hope people never figure out, is that everyone has the natural or God-given right to defend themselves against aggression. The Constitution doesn’t grant anyone rights, it merely lists them as a way to keep the government from abusing those people who they claim the right rule over.