James O’Keefe Fires Up Connecticut Republicans, Urges Whistleblowers to Come Forward

October 27, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

source:  www.breitbart.com

James O’Keefe began his presentation Thursday evening to Connecticut Republicans amid an uproar from the state’s Democrats and media, who accused him of being a “trickster” and the producer of “selectively edited” and “deceptive hidden videos.”

But, then again, that’s a normal day for the founder of Project Veritas, whose new campaign refrain is “Be Brave. Do Something.”

The Connecticut GOP hosted O’Keefe for what was called an “Evening of Enlightenment.” The undercover investigator reviewed his decade-long career devoted to exposing corruption and abuse of power in government, teachers’ unions, the media, and big tech.

O’Keefe, the author of American Pravda, poked fun at some of the accounts of his anticipated arrival in Connecticut.

The headline of the Journal Inquirer’s lead story on October 18, read, “GOP Speaker Panned: Creator of Deceptive Videos Invited by State Party to Fundraiser.” The Inquirer reported:

Connecticut Republicans have invited James O’Keefe, a self-styled investigative reporter with a reputation as a trickster for producing deceptive hidden videos, to headline an event Thursday, and Democratic leaders are criticizing the selection. Reputable news organizations, including the Washington Post, have said that O’Keefe’s practices are intended to dupe viewers and embarrass subjects through deception and manipulation.

According to the Inquirer, former Connecticut lieutenant governor and current Connecticut Democrat Party Chairwoman Nancy Wyman denounced the state GOP for extending the invitation to O’Keefe.

“The Connecticut Republicans should be ashamed to be hosting James O’Keefe at a Shelton fundraiser next week,” Wyman said, according to the report.