Jew Blackballer Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz Harasses White Woman Opposed to Tranny Mutilation
October 14, 2022 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: Daily Stormer
Jon interviewed Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas Attorney General, about why her state banned gender-affirming care for minors – ignoring the guidelines of major medical organizations and taking the decision out of parents’ hands. Watch the full interview on @AppleTVPlus
— The Problem With Jon Stewart (@TheProblem) October 7, 2022
Last week, Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz, a Jewish psycho, interviewed Arkansas attorney general Leslie Rutledge about her state’s policies against child trannies.
The video now has more than 15 million views on Twitter. It is truly an amazing piece of footage, and shows the utter nastiness of the Jew people towards what they call “goyim.” Leibowitz is filled with pure hatred of anyone who opposes the Jew agenda, and it is fascinating to see that and then consider the fact that Jews call me and others opposed to their agenda “hateful.”
I am a lover, not a hater, and if I ever called for the mass deportation of Jews (or worse), I did so out of love for all the people they are victimizing – including all of the children they want to mutilate in their satanic experiment facilities.
Leibowitz is not simply hateful; like all Jews, he is a liar, spewing venomous tripe. He makes up for the lack of facts with his poisonous aggression.
The way he makes this poor woman’s skin crawl is a study on the soul of the Jewish race. They love this. They love making you feel uneasy and queasy. They get off on it.
In the interview, Rutledge states that 98% of children with gender dysmorphia outgrow it in early adulthood. The Jew calls this “an incredibly made up figure.” The absolute gall of this Jew. He has the gall to say “what medical association are you talking about?”
The 98% number is from the DSM-V (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition), which is the primary text of psychiatric disorders, compiled by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The 5th edition was published in 2013, before the tranny agenda went into hyperdrive. It is the current official manual of the entire industry of psychiatry. (They are trying to rewrite it now to include different information about trannies, but this is the edition technically in use.)
The actual text says it’s between 70% and 98% of male cases (it’s not clear to me how such a gap like that can exist in statistical data, but that’s what it says). It says that the rate of persistence is higher in females, with only 50% to 88% growing out of it without treatment. So, she is citing the high end of a number for boys only. You can judge that as you will, but she definitely did not “make it up,” nor is it from some right-wing Christian source.
The statistic appears on page 455. Let me just go ahead and screenshot it from the pdf:
Here’s the thing: this statistic from the DSM-V gets thrown around constantly by people against the Jewish child tranny agenda. So there is absolutely zero chance that Leibowitz did not know the number. What he also knew is that the AG did not know the source. Or, at least he guessed that – if she had known the source, he could have just edited it out of the video, and found other ways to make her look stupid.
Here’s the basic fact: Jews have an agenda to first sexualize and then mutilate your small children. And as a wise man once said: Jewish people will blackball anyone opposed to their agenda.
They want you to believe that anyone who questions the child tranny agenda is stupid and backward – all the while they refuse to explain “The Science” of how exactly it is that a soul gets trapped in the wrong body. No one has the nerve to ask, or they get censored for asking, but that is the key question here: is there a way to stop souls from going into the wrong bodies? What ethereal entity is doing this soul-switching activity? Can we contact it or fight against it somehow?
Of course, if you start asking about the metaphysics of the process, the whole thing collapses. These people are all atheists, promoting a theory of soul displacement. It is utterly incoherent. So that question can never get through. Not even Matt Walsh had the nerve to ask that question in his documentary.
Jon “Stewart” is a popular figure among burned-out millennial scum. He hosted The Daily Show for a long time, and became a favorite political pundit of a generation. Interestingly, the black guy who replaced him on the show recently quit the job, just as the Jew “Stewart” is showing up doing new material. It’s possible that they will put him back on The Daily Show. Or, they will bring him back in some other capacity. They might even send him into politics.
The left currently has a serious problem finding people that everyone doesn’t hate. People still have fond memories of Leibowitz pushing a reasonable agenda during the Bush years. It’s clear that the Jew will be willing to push whatever the new agenda is, despite the fact that in the 00s and early 10s, he would have certainly opposed child mutilation.
Remember: the Jews are the problem.
None of this weird shit would be happening if it were not for the organized lobbying and social engineering being performed by the Jews.