John McAfee Found Dead. He Previously Tweeted: ‘If I Suicide Myself, I Didn’t. I Was Whackd.’
June 28, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff
source: needtoknownews
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John McAfee, former presidential candidate and founder of McAfee Associates, was found dead in his prison cell in Spain. In 2019, McAfee tweeted that he would not kill himself. Another tweet from 2020 mentioned the same. However, authorities have said that his death appears to be a suicide.
In 2019, McAfee Tweeted, ‘If I Suicide Myself, I Didn’t. I Was Whackd.’
In November 2019, about a year before he was arrested, McAfee tweeted that he had gotten a “$WHACKD” tattoo and wrote that he would not “suicide myself.” He then include a link to where people could buy a “$WHACKD” token.
Read full article here…
Article about the murder of McAfee’s neighbor in 2012: