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November 27, 2022 in News, Video by RBN Staff
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Egypt’s Gaza and Jordan’s West Bank and East Jerusalem were lost in wars that Israel did not start. And they have been in an official state of PEACE with Israel for many years. The only time the term “Palestine” has ever been used was when England named that territory as such in a mischievous parting shot to the Jews of the mandate.
Several million Arabs are full citizens of Israel and have voting rights. There are Arab members of the Israeli Knesset and an Arab sits on the Israeli supreme court. As far as any apartheid in that region is concerned, try getting a Jew to live in Gaza or the Muslim areas of Judea and Samaria. They would not last too long.
The people of Gaza, after being granted a measure of autonomy by the state of Israel, put in a Hamas government which is in a permanent declared state of war with Israel. They call for the gratuitous murder of Jews AS JEWS and for the destruction of Israel. Rest assured, the people of Gaza will be driven into the sea. It should have happened yesterday.
The founding of the secular state of Israel was merely the beginning of an ongoing process which will eventually culminate in The Jewish Theocratic Kingdom of Israel.
There is NO god BUT The God of Israel. He gathers in His people and laughs in your face.
Gee, your reply doesn’t sound desperate at all. Neither did Nettigyahoo’s propaganda diatribe. I just want to get one thing clear. Was Palestine “barren” when the jews came along to “improve” it? Enjoy your laughter while it lasts. Even seen a pendulum? You will.