Just As Pelosi’s Base Turn Their Backs On Her Police Make A HUGE Bust At Her Office
December 13, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Source: The Patriot Chronicles | Daphne Moon
Nancy Pelosi’s office has been the site of several protests recently. Oddly enough it’s been from her own party- Or what used to be ‘her party’ which is now dominated by Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Ocasio-Cortez led the protest that landed several people in jail. The protesters were holding signs demanding Pelosi ‘do her job’. Funny story, though, Ocasio-Cortez disappeared before the cuffs came out.
The hundreds of protesters that were at Representative Nancy Pelosi’s office on Monday, took over the offices of three members of Congress, to push what they believed is a need for an immediate climate change plan, according to Red Ble Divide.
The group of more than 100 climate change activists, began flooding into Pelosi’s office around 10 a.m., demanding to speak with the congresswoman. The protesters were also demanding Democrats address climate change and a green new deal as part of taking the majority in 2019.
Capitol Police said they arrested 51 protesters for unlawfully demonstrating outside Pelosi’s office in the Cannon House Office Building. The arrests began a few hours after the demonstration began when protesters refused to leave the area. Pelosi said she welcomed the protest and called on the police “to allow them to continue to organize and participate in our democracy.”
Protestors lined the hallways wearing shirts that said, “we have a right to good jobs and a livable future” and “12 years,” the latter a reference what Democrats are calling the time frame American’s have to act on climate change.
Ocasio-Cortez, who, of course, left before the arrests began, said she was there to support the protesters and encourage Pelosi to listen to them, Politico reported.
This, as Pelosi’s base turn their backs on her. Just before the midterms, Danny O’Conner in Ohio, Dan McReady in North Carolina and Chrissy Houlahan and Scott Wallace in Pennsylvania won Democratic House primaries after saying they wouldn’t vote for Pelosi or that it was premature to say.
They were following the example of Pennsylvania’s Conor Lamb, who said “we need new leadership” in both parties in his successful special election campaign for a House seat in March. Pelosi has also reportedly lost support in Georgia and Arkansas, per a report that was done by USA Today.
My question and perhaps the most obvious here; is looney Ocasio-Cortez using the weakened political state of the old swamp speaker (Pelosi) to push forward with her socialist based plans? Or even holding her vote as a bargaining chip? Is that so far-fetched, really?