Kellyanne Calls Out Meryl Streep: If She Cares About The Disabled, What About Chicago Torture Victim? (VIDEO)

January 9, 2017 in News by RBN Staff


Source: American Lookout

During Meryl Streep’s dumb tirade about Trump at the Golden Globes, she brought up the story of Trump mocking a disabled New York Times reporter, a false story that’s been debunked a dozen times.

This morning on FOX and Friends, Kellyanne pointed out Streep’s hypocrisy.

From Real Clear Politics:

KELLYANNE CONWAY: I’m glad Meryl Streep has such a passion for the disabled because I didn’t hear her weigh in or I didn’t even hear her use her platform last night, Ainsley, to give the shoutout to the mentally challenged boy who last week was tortured live on Facebook for half an hour, by four young African-American adults who were screaming racial and anti-Trump expletives and forcing him to put his head in toilet water.

So I’d like to hear from her today, if she wants to come and continue her platform on behalf of the disabled. And Donald Trump is absolutely right. He has debunked this so many times. She sounds like 2014. The election is over. She lost.

Watch the video:

Streep would never bring up that story.

It doesn’t fit the left’s narrative.