Lark in Texas’ Valentine’s Day Gift to RBN Listeners

February 15, 2022 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff


By Lark in Texas
My Valentine’s Day gift to RBN listeners was delivered to:

In Plain Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky

Lark’s call-in 3 minutes before show’s end

Oldies but goodies…

Cry, our beloved America:
Sliding Down the Communitarian Slope (2010)

It’s not quite Communism.

It’s certainly not American Capitalism!

It is (blow the trumpets) Communitarianism! The Third Way!  And it changes everything, just as our president promised.

Remember the Communitarian THREE-LEGGED STOOL: A mandatory partnership between the public sector (government), private sector  (business), and social sector (community, churches, schools, etc.) — managed through Global Standards and laws established by national and international governments. This Communitarian system is fast leading the masses into a web of control involving food, health care (mental as well as physical), beliefs, values, education, business, etc.

The Communitarian Trap: Common Core and the Communitarian World Government (2013)

Rights, Responsibilities, and Communitarianism

One of my all-time favorite sites on the internet!

The influence of William James Sidis on American political thought is almost forgotten today; but his writings and activities during his lifetime remind us that libertarianism  was/is a blending of ideas from both the Left AND the Right.

Ask an educated European today and s/he will tell you it is really just another form of socialism.

What is Communitarianism?

Definition and Main Theorists
