Local ABC News Reporter Files False Complaint Against Gun Store Employee
July 15, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Source: The Truth About Guns | By Daniel Silverman
In case you haven’t heard, gun stores in California have been pretty busy lately. Operations like Wild Bill’s Old West Trading Company in Elk Grove California have seen massive spikes in sales since passage of California’s ‘gunpocalypse’ laws. Following a few interviews gone wrong from reporters, Wild Bill’s placed a large 72 point font sign on its front door stating media members are not allowed in the store. If they enter the store, they’re asked to leave.
One ABC 10 Sacramento reporter, however, apparently failed basic reading comprehension. Reporter Bianca Graulau was undeterred by the posted sign, entered the store and was politely asked to leave. She then waited in the parking lot — which is private property — to continue harassing customers as they entered or left the store. A store employee followed her out to make sure she left the property.
The employee, however, was carrying a gun. As with good manners, Graulau was evidently ignorant of what is or is not legal on private property. The law is very clear in this regard.
An hour or two after Ms. Graulau was asked to leave, a store employee was notified by Elk Grove police that a complaint had been filed against him by the reporter. Apparently she had stated that he was brandishing his firearm and she felt threatened.
Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a single gun store in this country where the employees don’t open carry a firearm. Furthermore, as we all know full well, his firearm was never un-holstered during the entire time she was there. Apparently asking her to leave while open carrying a handgun constitutes brandishing.
Of course no charges will be filled against the employee, but the entire process tied up a number of officers for a few hours while they chased down a false report. It’s all part of the Mad Moms’ tactic of shaming firearms owners at every opportunity.