Massachusetts couple accidentally donates soup can with hidden savings

January 21, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

Image result for campbell soup

By Travis Fedschun

A Massachusetts couple’s donation to a local soup kitchen may end up costing them thousands of dollars, after they ended up giving away a fake can of soup used to hide their cash.

Amanda Mattuchio told Boston 25 News on Friday her parents cleared out their soup cabinet a few weeks ago, and only realized several weeks later they gave away the fake Campbell’s Tomato Soup can.

“When they went to put some more money into the can, they realized it had been put in with the donations. It was kind of devastating,” Mattuchio said.

The fake can had a bottom that unscrewed, and contained $2,500 in it that was a combination of $100 and $50 bills, she told Boston 25 News.

“I just hope whoever did find the money, if it has been found, that they see this and maybe find it in their heart to return it,” Mattuchio said.

Frank Leary, who runs the Middleton Food Pantry where the cans ended up, said the facility receives hundreds of donated cans of soup every week. A search of all of the cans so far at the facility has not turned up the cash-filled can.

“I would love to find the can of soup. That amount of money is a terrible, terrible loss for anyone,” Leary said. “For all I know, that Campbell tomato soup is sitting in someone’s cabinet right now and they don’t even know it.”

The Middleton Police Department told Boston 25 News they’ve reached out to the family to see what they can do to help.

Mattuchio’s father said if the person who found the can doesn’t return it, he hopes they can use the money to help make their own life a little easier.