Military ‘medics’ now transporting Arkansas residents deemed ‘COVID-positive’ to undisclosed isolation facility

July 25, 2020 in News by RBN Staff


It’s happening, people! ‘Medics’ from the National Guard are now rounding up civilians and transporting them to a secret facility!

LITTLE ROCK (INTELLIHUB) — Military medics and state health officials are now ordering Arkansas residents deemed to be ‘COVID-positive’ to be, detained, and transported either willingly or unwillingly to at least one undisclosed location once COVID-19 contact tracing agents have successfully linked a target.

Members of the National Guard have been called to active duty and are now currently engaged in the unimaginable and are escorting American citizens to a secret facility under orders from Governor Asa Hutchinson.

National Guard medics are working 12-hour around the clock shifts to roundup targets statewide which higher-ups deem to be a threat to public health, as Fox 13 Memphis reported last week.

It’s said the isolation ward is located somewhere in the vicinity of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences but nothing has been confirmed.