Mom Says California School Bribed Kids With Pizza, Vaccinated Her 13-Year-Old Without Her Consent
December 9, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff
source: patriotoutlook
First of all, if this report surprises you, you haven’t been paying attention to the desperate lengths the left continues to go to try to force every man, woman, and child in America — except for illegal aliens, of course — to get the hell vaccinated. As many times as they tell you to. Until the end of mankind. Or longer.
Assuming you’re a RedState regular, you won’t be surprised in the least by what you’re about to read.
Did I mention the school in the headline “bribed” kids with pizza, telling them: “Don’t say anything”?
As reported by NBC in Los Angeles, Maribel Duarte alleges that her 13-year-old son, a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy (how ironic) in South LA, brought home a vaccine card after having accepted the COVID-19 vaccine at school and that he agreed to get the jab in exchange for pizza.
“The lady that gave him the shot and signed the paper told my son,” per Duarte, “said ‘Please don’t say anything. I don’t want to get in trouble.’”
“It hurt to know he got a shot without my permission,” she said, while explaining that she’s not opposed to COVID vaccines in general, but with her son, it’s a different story.
“He has problems with asthma and allergy problems.”
Are you counting the number of levels of how wrong this was, as we continue?
The school, which is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second-largest school district in the country, told NBC it follows a “safe schools to safe steps incentive program,” in which vaccinated students get prizes. Oh, cool. So, if your 13-year-old is asthmatic and you’re leary of the potential effects of COVID vaccination, as a result?
No problem! We gave him free pizza for his troubles!
Just one huge problem.
According to attorney Jennifer Kennedy, who told NBC, she is closely following two cases against the LAUSD over the vaccine mandate currently making their way through court, the problem is children in California cannot consent to vaccination. Pizza or not.
“The LAUSD does not have the power to add a vaccine to the California school schedule. You couldn’t do it if you were a podunk school district and you can’t do it if you’re LAUSD, the second largest district in the nation. You don’t have that legal authority.”
Both legal cases are seeking an end to the mandate.
Nonetheless, the LAUSD has mandated that all students age 12 and above must be vaccinated by January 10, short of legal exemption.
If not? Unvaccinated kids will be forced back into virtual learning.
Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci, no doubt seen furiously nodding in approval.