December 8, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

We Are Change

UPDATE: The man who shot an assault rifle at Comet Ping Pong has been identified. Turns out he’s an actor.


Earlier today, just after a video surfaced about how Pizzagate might involve a government run psy-op to shut down free speech -including a prediction that some type of false flag event might be coming to Comet Ping Pong Pizza — a man walked into Comet Ping Pong armed with an AR15 and, silently, walked to the back where the ping pong tables are and shot off one round into the floor.

The blame for the incident is not mostly falling on the guy with the gun. It’s mostly falling on the “alt right” and alternative media “conspiracy theorists” for spreading “fake news” surrounding Pizzagate which “influenced” the guy with the gun.

This is how Pizzagate gets reported on in the mainstream media, as if it is a hate crime perpetrated by a horde of cyberbullies online. What happened today falls squarely, no, perfectly into the same narrative WUSA9 reported on November 24th, “Fake news can have real victims”:

A popular Northwest, D.C. neighborhood pizza joint is trying to figure out how to fight back after what it suspects is a massive coordinated on-line attack suggesting the restaurant is involved in the worst kind of conspiracy.

The pizza shop owner suspects thousands of online bullies have set out to destroy him, maybe simply because he and a friend supported the Clinton campaign.

Now stop for a second and ask yourself, why would thousands of online bullies just randomly target anyone for being a Clinton supporter? That doesn’t really make any sense… There are lots of Clinton supporters who don’t end up the target of worldwide online conspiracies about high level political pedophile rings.

What makes more sense after looking into this is that a very carefully constructed psyop has taken place with the goal of targeting and shutting down so-called “fake news” alternative media sites to coincide with a media campaign against “fake news” as a bastion of hate speech and cyberbullying that can have “real life victims,” while at the same time sending a large portion of the independent and alternative media down a conspiracy rabbit hole filled with speculation, allegations, and, while disturbing, what is offered comes with little real proof… unlike some of the obviously much more damaging Wikileaks which are proof of hardcore corruption on the part of the Clinton campaign which have been dumped or overlooked because of Pizzagate.

So let’s look into this a bit further, shall we?

First, take the restaurant owner James Alefantis. He’s a pizza shop owner who also happens to have once been listed by GQ as one of the top 50 most influential people in DC, a town known for having lots and lots of influential people, and he’s sending out stuff on his personal Instagram account that no one who is a small business owner of a business frequented by children and who cares about public perception would send out in a million years.

Things like this


and this (black square added over a man penetrating what appears to be a very small female’s vagina):


and this, where he asks “cumpanda?”:


and this where he says “#pandacumhole”:


and this, which is self-explanatory:


Or this one:


That last one says “#chickenlovers” which is well-known to be slang for a grown male who is sexually attracted to young boys, but he added the hashtag to a picture with a baby in it. Not exactly the type of thing that would make most people want to take their kids to his restaurant, right? Or, again, something the owner of a “family friendly” restaurant where kids play ping pong or that hosts kid sleepovers would ever normally share publicly on the Internet if they wanted to stay in business.

Of course, if you point this out, then he rails against horrible people who would dare share his Instagram pictures of innocent children and say horrible, conspiratorial stuff like that in an evil, online bullying way… Even though he’s the guy who sent out a picture of a baby with the hashtag #chickenlovers on it in the first place.

But moreover, look at his avatar and let’s discuss its significance. Someone traced that picture to where it was taken – Prado Museum Madrid.



It’s a bust of Antinous on display there circa 131-132 AD. Who was Antinous? The young (as in, underaged) Greek teen boy lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian. For centuries, pederasty (defined as “sexual activity involving a man and a boy”) was socially acceptable, typically between older citizens in the leisured classes (aged 20-40) and young boys (aged 12-18). Author Royston Lambert wrote that sculptures of Antinous quote, “remain without a doubt one of the most elevated and ideal monuments to pederastic love of the whole ancient world,” according to the Wikipedia entry about Antinous.

Why would one of the most influential men in DC, a man who hangs out at the White House and rubs elbows with powerful people in Washington like the Podesta brothers, and a man who happens to own a “family friendly” pizza and ping pong restaurant, use such an overtly obvious symbol celebrating what would be considered pedophilia by today’s standards as his Instagram avatar?

This isn’t the only time this is referenced in Pizzagate, either. Remember this image John Podesta sent out in the Wikileaks emails (three times, mind you) of the number 14 and the fish drawn on his scarred hands?


Further down the Wikipedia page on Antinous, it is pointed out that Antinous was deified and an organized cult was created devoted to his worship in a place called Antinopolis which became the cultic center of Osiris-Antinous worship.

According to myth, Antinous drowned and was assimilated with Osiris to be reborn. Also according to myth, Osiris was cut into 14 pieces by his brother Set, and when Isis attempted to retrieve him, she was unable to retrieve the final piece (his penis) which was eaten by a fish.

So Podesta is directly referencing Osiris which is tied to Antinous, the gay underaged boy lover of a Roman emperor that Alefantis uses as his Instagram avatar.

(On an aside, the whole thing is extra creepy in reference to this Illuminati playing card which also references the number 14 and a creepy cult secret enough that the writing doesn’t want to suggest exactly what it is about. Check it:


It says, “We’re sorry, but we’re not even permitted to hint at what the Secret Knowledge is about goldfish. Your entire Power Structure is completely immune to attacks by Fanatic groups. No, we’re really not going to explain why.”)

Alefantis, you may have heard, used to be in a lengthy romantic relationship with David Brock, the Democratic political operative who was chosen to run Media Matters by none other than John Podesta.


Brock got his start in Dem politics through disgraced former Congressman Barney Frank (see pic above of a much younger Brock in a leather collar standing next to Frank in the maroon shirt). Why disgraced?

Frank was caught up in a sex scandal back in the late 80s which involved allegations that a male prostitution ring was being run out of his DC apartment. This one ran all the way up the chain to the White House.


Brock used to lean conservative; the whole reason he switched to Democrat is because of Frank.

While these allegations in and of themselves prove nothing, the implications are everywhere.

Right now, they’re working overtime on the narrative that a vast right-wing conspiracy of dangerous fake news cost their candidate Hillary Clinton the election.

Lots of alternative media websites including The Daily Sheeple have reported on the blown-up conspiracy of Pizzagate. Now, however, all sites who do report on it are being decried as “fake news” sites, and anyone who tries to legitimately report on this story is being labeled an “online bully,” one of thousands of online bullies that have led to the unfair targeting of Mr. Alefantis and his business (if you are to believe the mainstream media narrative on this).

News of the online bullying by so-called fake news outlets has spread far and wide, as the BBC is even reporting on “The saga of ‘Pizzagate’: The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread”.

This story has been thrown all over the mainstream media as prime example of why so-called “fake news” must be shut down.

Alefantis, who called for anyone who reposts his Instagram posts to be prosecuted in an interview with the Washington City Paper, also said his “attackers” are:

“conspiracy theorist, white nationalists made up largely of racists, homophobic individuals who loosely tie together theories and do not attempt to find the truth…”

He told NYT:

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault… I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized,” he said.

He told NPR:

“We have talked to a few lawyers. It seems that there are not many outlets for people who have suffered this kind of attack and abuse. You’re allowed to sue for defamation, but that suit takes many years and is very grueling. Additionally, these chat rooms where these people are based are protected by a law that claims that they’re hosting sites, and therefore people can hide behind a screen name. So it’s very difficult to identify who the bully or – and harasser is.”

That statement, just by the way, is directly linked to Obama’s plan for an “Internet ID” being assigned to each person online which would take away everyone’s anonymity on the web… a UN plan to track literally every single thing every person does online and tie it back to them in a permanent file.

You can already see how the narrative has been built up to use this story to shut down so-called “fake news” as a threat in real life.

And, as if right on cue, a man walks into Comet Ping Pong armed with the most vilified gun in American history and fires a single round into the floor.

Look. Let’s sum this up.

Are some of the Wikileaks emails discussing pizza (and other foods) in an odd or disturbing way that does not really seem like they are talking about pizza?



Yes they seem to be.

Does Tony Podesta hang out with Alefantis and have birthday parties that involve flaccid penis cakes?


Yes apparently he does.

Is Tony Podesta’s house (a house where a rich man with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of art also keeps an assortment of stuffed animals next to his bed even though he has no children)


Is Tony Podesta’s house filled with what many would consider creepy art by artists who sculpt headless women and artists who take pictures of naked teenagers or artists who paint children being abused?

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