Mysterious Fires at Food Plants and FBI Warning of Food Shortages

April 25, 2022 in News by RBN Staff

source:  needtoknownews


Dozens of food processing plants and warehouses have been destroyed by fires, plane crashes, and other curious accidents in recent weeks, representing a disturbing trend that falls well outside of coincidental. Nearly 20 US food plants have been damaged or destroyed over the last year or so, around the same time supply chain breakdowns already began shorting the US food supply. The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives. The agency warned that grain shortages affect the food supply for humans and for animal feed.

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Dozens of food processing plants and warehouses have been destroyed by fires, plane crashes, and other curious accidents in recent weeks, representing a disturbing trend that falls well outside of coincidental.

The latest incident happened in Covington, Georgia when a plane crashed into a General Mills plant on Thursday, killing two people and destroying a number of trailers stored at the plant.

The crash happened just before Fox News Tucker Carlson was about to report on the curious spate of food plant accidents, leaving him flabbergasted at the apparent coincidence.

“What’s going on here? Well, the story gets weirder: food processing plants all over the country seem to be catching fire. A couple of days ago, a fire destroyed the headquarters of Azure Standard – one of the largest organic food distributors in the country,” Tucker reported Thursday.

“The end of last month, a fire severely damaged a fresh onion-packing facility in south Texas. In Oregon, a potato chip processing plant just reported a boiler explosion that sent workers to the hospital,” he added.

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