New UN Declaration: Migrants Have Rights & Canadians Have Obligations

December 5, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

Do your future a favour. Contact your MP and 1. alert him or her to a sinister conference to take place in drug sodden Marakesh, Morocco, and 2. demand that he vote against the Marakesh accord. Stoned or not, world leaders are being asked to endorse a lunatic declaration affirming the “rights” of migrants and OUR obligation to admit,  feed, and shelter them and, almost equally insane, our obligation to suppress criticism of the invasion. Don’t be mollified by being told that it’s merely a declaration, not a binding treaty. Over the years, Canadian governments have disloyally signed on to a number of UN conventions that have been used to strip Canadian of their rights. For instance, the interventionist New Brunswick Court of Queen’s Bench cited Canada’s endorsement of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as justification for tearing up the will of the late Robert McCorkill who had willed his estate to the National Alliance, a U.S. White nationalist, allegedly “racist” group.

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The Toronto Sun’s Candice Malcolm comments: “The Trudeau government is cheerleading a controversial United Nations initiative that has the potential to fundamentally change Canada.

It’s called the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and UN representatives are meeting in Morocco in December to discuss and adopt this global agreement. It may sound like just another gathering of out-of-touch elites patting themselves on the back, and the compact’s text insists the agreement is non-binding. But the ideas proposed are not your run-of-the-mill aspirational  pledges. This UN compact is unprecedented and truly radical. It seeks to make immigration a universal human right.

‘Refugees and migrants are entitled to the same universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, which must be respected, protected and fulfilled at all times,’ reads the document’s preamble.

The agreement doesn’t simply apply to bona-fide refugees — those fleeing war and persecution whose government has failed to protect them. It applies to all migrants. It seeks to change international law and norms on migration, and blur the distinction between refugees and migrants — the latter merely seeking more economic opportunity but failing to do so according to a country’s established immigration rules. The compact stops just short of saying that every person from around the world has a right to live in Canada and become a Canadian citizen.


And it gets even worse. Alongside describing a world with no borders and no meaningful citizenship, the document includes a particularly disturbing section about the media. One of the ‘guiding principles’ is a ‘whole-of-society approach’ to promoting mass migration, including the role of the media. It calls upon governments to ‘promote independent, objective and quality reporting… and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants.’


So much for a free press. The UN wants governments to actively intervene in the media and pick and choose which journalists are worthy of promoting, based on a radical ideology and far-left worldview. Is this what the Liberal government’s new $595-million media slush fund seeks to do? The prime minister and his top officials are known for name-calling and attacking anyone who disagrees with their dogma on immigration, diversity and multiculturalism.  Liberal officials frequently accuse opponents of being intolerant, xenophobic and racist for raising legitimate concerns about illegal immigration, border security and terrorism.

Are these accusations going to be tied to funding decisions for the media? Will recipients of Trudeau’s media fund be prohibited from criticizing open borders and mass migration? Will funding be tied to an attestation to promote UN propaganda? The Trudeau government has played a leading role in advancing this UN scheme; two Trudeau cabinet minister’s admitted so much in a September article in Maclean’s Magazine. ‘The UN’s global compact on refugees could be a game-changer — and Canada is well-placed to make it a reality,’ they argue.


This dystopian UN plan seeks to erase borders, destroy the concept of citizenship, undermine the rule of law and circumvent state sovereignty. It would change what it means to be Canadian and prevent the media from criticizing these fundamental changes.

Several of our allies, including Australia, the U.S. and Israel have already pulled out of this disastrous UN compact. Across the world, political leaders and respected journalists are ringing the alarm bell.

In Canada, however, the Trudeau government is welcoming this UN scheme, while most Canadian journalists are failing to inform Canadians about the radical changes on our doorstep. (Toronto Sun, December 1, 2018)