Nuclear waste site near Huron spells disaster for Great Lakes
September 21, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
Burying radioactive nuclear waste less than a half-mile from one of the Great Lakes is a really bad idea.
Ontario Power Generation is proposing an underground, radioactive nuclear waste repository near the shores of Lake Huron in Kincardine, which is less than a mile inland and about 120 miles upstream from the main drinking water intakes for southeast Michigan.
A review panel has approved the utility’s proposal, which awaits a decision by Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Minister of the Environment. Aglukkaq has until Dec. 2 to make a final decision.
It is my belief that this project must be immediately stopped. The Great Lakes are a precious water resource, and the health of Michigan’s citizens must be protected — this dangerous proposal simply puts too much at risk.
The nuclear waste to be buried at this location — which is the only location under consideration — includes chemically hazardous materials, some of which can remain radioactive for nearly 100,000 years.
The waste would be buried in water-soluble shale limestone, a material that is entirely untested and unproven for the disposal of nuclear waste. In fact, this method is so uncertain that there is not a single scientist or geologist who can guarantee the nuclear dump will not contaminate the Great Lakes.
Despite these concerns, Canadian officials continue to move forward in reviewing the project, even though state and federal elected officials, members of the medical community, and more than 15 broad-based Michigan industrial and environmental groups — along with the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, and other Canadian organizations — are opposed to this dangerous plan.
According to the Canadian nonprofit Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump Inc., as of Aug. 26, 170 resolutions — representing nearly 23 million people — have been passed expressing opposition to the plan, which could be economically devastating to Michigan.
The potential impact of nuclear waste contaminating the Great Lakes is nothing short of catastrophic. It could discourage visitors and disrupt our tourism and agricultural industries.
In addition, millions of Michigan and Canadian citizens live downstream from this proposed repository. The potential for contamination of the water that our livelihoods depend upon is a very real, and extremely serious, risk.
Yet, contaminated drinking water is just one way that Michigan citizens could be negatively impacted.
We also can’t forget nearly 96 million travelers visit our state each year, and our agriculture industry adds more than $91.4 billion annually to our state’s economy.
Any failure or breach at this proposed repository, whether over time or during a sudden accident, would affect Lake Huron and the interconnected waters of the Great Lakes.
In fact, Ontario Power Generation documents indicate that “most of the waste packages are not designed to be long-lived, and as they corrode or are damaged by rock fall, the wastes are exposed and the radioactivity can be released.”
This leaves our communities exposed to contaminants that can cause increased risks of genetic mutations, cancers, leukemia, birth defects, and reproductive immune and endocrine system disorders.
Ironically, in 1986, the U.S. Department of Energy considered locating a nuclear waste site in northern Vermont. At that time, the Canadian government strongly opposed the effort, arguing that such a site could pose dangers to human health and the environment through contamination of Canada’s lakes, rivers and underground streams. Honoring their request, the department agreed to exclude the Vermont location from consideration.
Now, nearly 30 years later, we find ourselves with the proverbial shoe on the other foot.
One need only look to packed town hall meetings that have taken place on this topic, and the tens of thousands of signatures collected in opposition to it, to see that it’s very clear the people of Michigan and Canada stand firmly united against this proposal.
I’m asking that the Canadian government grant us the same courtesy when considering the construction of a similar nuclear waste site at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. I strongly urge them to reconsider the construction of a nuclear waste dump near the shores of Lake Huron. It is critical that they exercise their ability to deny this dangerous project.
On a national level, I urge Secretary of State John Kerry to engage the International Joint Commission to address and act upon this proposal.
My colleagues in the Michigan Senate and I have sent a letter to Aglukkaq, voicing our unconditional opposition to the proposed construction of the site and urging her to reject the plan.
I also call upon Gov. Rick Snyder to oppose this plan and stand up to protect Michigan citizens and the Great Lakes.
Our lives and access to clean, fresh drinking water depends upon their decisions, and we are counting on all of them to make the right one.