October 1, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Source: www.wnd.com
A federal judge in Texas who was appointed by Barack Obama, George C. Hanks Jr., on Friday refused to delay the president’s planned giveaway of U.S. oversight of a key piece of the Internet, setting up the transfer when a critical contract expires heading into the weekend.
The states of Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma and Texas had sued to block the U.S. from giving up oversight of the non-profit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which maintains databases for Internet domain names, the Internet’s phone book.
At the tech site Arstechnica, the concerns about the loss of U.S. control were discounted.
“Remember the projected Y2K bug disaster? The world’s computers would supposedly go haywire as the clock ticked to January 1, 2000, thus destroying the world and ensuing widespread panic. Didn’t happen. Fast forward to today, however, and another doomsday scenario is afoot (albeit with much less fanfare),” said the blog.
“If many politicians are to be believed, an Internet disaster is set to commence this Saturday. That’s when a tiny branch of the U.S. Commerce Department officially hands over its oversight of the Internet’s ‘address book’ or root zone – the highest level of the domain naming system (DNS) structure – to a nonprofit, a Los Angeles-based body called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).”
But others were raising concerns.
It was the late Phyllis Schlafly who, earlier this year, characterized Obama’s plan as “like telling the fox to guard the chicken coop,” trusting the likes of Cuba, Venezuela and China to ensure the continued freedom of the Web.
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