November 24, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Tomato Bubble

NOVEMBER 22, 2014




By Mike King & Sugar the Cat
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“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race. (Whites)”
– From Barack Obama’s ‘Dreams from my Father’  – Ghost written by Communist-Terrorist William Ayers




During the 60’s and early 70’s, Bill Ayers was a leader of the Communist-terrorist Weather Underground. Barack Obongo’s political career was launched in Ayers’ living room.




Ferguson, MO, August 9, 2014: A 6′ 4″, 300 pound thug named Michael Brown walks into a convenience store and commits a ‘strong-arm’ robbery. The thieving giant throws the helpless store clerk aside as if he were a rag doll. Brown and Dorian Johnson, his accomplice, then walk out with the stolen cigars, generally used to make marijuana-filled‘blunts”.



The “gentle giant” throwing gang signs and roughing up a store clerk half his size. His accomplice, Dorian Johnson, is behind Brown.




Darren Wilson, a White police officer, observes the two thugs walking in the middle of the street and tells them to get on the sidewalk. He is not yet aware of the convenience store theft. It is not known to us what else was said at this time, but this is not when the final confrontation occurs.



The thieving thug with a bad attitude thinks he can just walk down the middle of a street. 




Wilson receives a dispatch informing him of the robbery. Seeing that the two sreet-walkers fit the description, Wilson turns back to question them. When he reaches the thugs, Officer Wilson is physically assaulted, in his own vehicle, by the giant Brown. Brown attempts to take Wilson’s gun. When the gun discharges, Brown flees.



Officer Wilson battles for his life against the giant monster who is trying to take his gun.




Wilson follows on foot and orders Brown to stop. At which point, the massive beast turns and charges at Officer Wilson. Witnesses recount how Brown “just kept coming” even as Wilson was firing. The charging thug is killed after a head shot.



Fearing for his life, Officer Wilson had no choice but to put the charging beast down. 




Brown’s thieving accomplice, Dorian Johnson, spins a tale of how his partner-in-crime had his hands-up in the surrender position when Wilson shot him. The criminal news media runs with Johnson’s false narrative of a White cop killing an “unarmed” Black teen; ignoring the accounts of witnesses who say otherwise.



Michael Brown’s criminal accomplice became the darling of a corrupt news media which never challenged his lying account of a ‘hands-in-the-air’ execution nor interviewed the local witnesses who told a different story. 




Inflamed by the media and ‘civil rights’ trouble-makers such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, some of the locals begin protesting. When they are joined by out-of town and out-of-state Communist and Black Panther groups, riots follow and 100 stores are looted. The Panthers openly call for the killing of Officer Wilson.



Obongo keeps very close ties to Sharpton’s ‘National Action Network’, as well as concealed ties with the violent Black Panthers – a group whose members openly threaten to overthrow America and kill White ‘crackas’.




Despite knowing what really happened, Barack Obongo and his Black Attorney General Eric Holder stick their noses into the Ferguson controversy; pretending to be impartial, but clearly favoring the protesters over the local police. All the while, Obongo, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, and the Marxist media remain silent about the 1000’s of Black youths being murdered by other Black youths in cities across America; not to mention the growing epidemic of Black on White ‘hate crimes’.
Nobody in the Obongo administration seems to care about the random White victims of the brutal “knockout game”. Obongo did however send three officials to attend the funeral for the would-be cop killer Michael Brown!



Holder adds fuel to the fire. A Federal official has no business sticking his nose into a local matter. 




As a Grand Jury convenes to decide whether or not to indict Officer Wilson, the furor appears to subside in September and October.Unbenownst to the general public, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, the Communists, the Panthers et al continue to lay the groundwork for the November explosion. Obongo even mentions Ferguson in a speech before the United Nations. Soon afterwards, the manipulated parents of the dead thug visit the U.N. to ask for “justice”.



Obongo’s mentioning of Ferguson at the UN gave a hint of the trouble which he and his buddy Al Sharpton, with full complicity of the media and higher Globalist powers, are planning to unleash upon America. 




October, 2014: Ferguson activists give a hint of the coming chaos that is going to target innocent White people. Black activists stage rallies outside of the stadium at St. Louis Cardinals playoff baseball games. The White fans are taunted and harassed as they leave the stadium. Similar actions take place in suburban shopping malls. The activists stated intention is to“make White people uncomfortable.”



1- White baseball fans confront their Black activist tormentors.
2- White shoppers are harassed by Black radicals and White Communists at shopping malls .




On November 5, Obongo personally meets with with leaders of the national network of malcontents and urges them to “stay the course” on Ferguson. Buried deep within the New York Times, we find this revealing gem:

“Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.  (Here)



 ferguson market looting
Obongo and the “protest leaders” will play the role of ‘good cops’ by urging calm. The Panthers and Communists will be the ‘bad cops’ who unleash murder and mayhem.
“Revcom.us” activists: “If the Killer Cop Walks, Amerikkka halts”
Revcom.us (run out of Obongo’s Chicago) stands for Revolution-Communist
Revolution Banner




NOVEMBER, 2014: In anticipation of a Grand Jury acquittal of Officer Wilson, Sharpton’s hordes, Black Panthers, and various stripes of Communists and libtarded dupes have arrived in Ferguson. Advance reports of planned “actions”, including violent ones, are announced for 80 locations across America.



State Senator Obongo with the violent, White-hating, and well-armed Black Panthers.The ties to Obongo are still there, but kept on the ‘down-low’.




In advance of the verdict, the money-grubbing parents of the deceased thug and Obongo himself are calling for calm and non-violence. This phony posturing is intended to distance the evil Obongo from the violence which he himself is deliberately engineering, and intends to use as a power-grabbing pretext.
Brown’s “peace-loving” and T-shirt selling parents are cashing-in on the death of their thug son as they agitate with Marxist front groups such as A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
It is important to note that the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, is also a Black Obongo cronyYou see folks, the coming game is rigged. Obongo’s gang controls BOTH the Homeland Security army and the Black / Communist militants. IF events go off as planned, the latter will empower the former to disarm Whites while waging a sham-fight against the Reds & Panthers.
In the coming chaos or civil war, we know whose side Jeh Johnson will be on.
The HS Fed police have massive powers.



1- Obongo and Sharpton are joined at the hip!
2- Sharpton rallies with known members of the terrorist Black Panthers. 





Today is November 22, 2014. The verdict on Officer Darren Wilson is due anyday now. Remember America, Whatever mayhem and chaos should occur in the coming days, weeks, and months, know that puppet-boy Obongo and the criminal gang that controls him, planned it that way.
By the way, this is the same Globalist Mafia that is pushing us towards an external war with Russia. To learn how the world really works, study NWO FORBIDDEN HISTORY



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