Occam’s Razor in the Gold Space

October 14, 2013 in Gold and Silver, News by The Manimal

Source: Two Short Planks

Occam’s Razor: “among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected… one should proceed to simpler theories until simplicity can be traded for greater explanatory power.”


The Razor in the Gold Space
The simplest correlation possible is between just two events or data sets. So, I bring the reader’s attention to just two activities in the Gold Space and then draw a line between the two and name the overarching activity which connects the two (conspiracy for those who love the term).


1.       The Bullion Banks, the US Fed, select Hedge Funds, and the MSM are attacking the Gold Price as a collaborative group.
Note: even though the Fed is attempting to generate inflation it is still suppressing Gold nonetheless.


2.       China is by far the most aggressive buyer of Physical Gold of all the G20 nations. It is also the nation with the smallest Gold Reserves to GDP ratio of all the G20 nations.


The Link
The Bullion Banks, the US Fed, select Hedge Funds, and the MSM are either collaborating with China directly, or, being told to assist in China’s Gold Reserve accumulation. This also involves inaction on the behalf of Government Regulatory Offices (important to note this point).


The two simplest possibilities for this are;


1.       There is an agreement in place which allows China to accumulate Gold Reserves for the expressed purpose of deflating G20 currencies against Gold. This would require attacks of the Gold Price in order to shake-out physical Gold.


2.       There is a progressive and deliberate conspiratorial shift of wealth and power from the West to the East; more accurately, from The United States, United Kingdom and Europe across to China. The West is being Sold-Out by many of the same Banks which were generously Bailed-Out.


Option 1 presents the possibility that the G20 wishes to deflate debt using Gold. At the same time, Central Banks can heals their Balance Sheet as the increase in value of Gold Reserves could draw-down toxicity exposure of assets taken-on since 2008.


Option 2 is ugly. It would involve Government insiders (Revolving Door) sabotaging regulatory systems to favour the entities which wish to Abandon Ship as the West sinks under insurmountable debt and a stagflating economy, and to migrate wealth in suppressed physical Gold. It would also require China being an accomplice to the act.


There are other possibilities, but for me, none stand out more than the two I have described.Also here: http://twoshortplanksunplugged.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/brics-currency-gold-and-debt-based.html


 Andrew Maguire on KWN describes the shake-out very well:http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2013/10/13_Andrew_Maguire.html