Panic Sets In For Brennan, Schiff In Trouble, This Is Just The Warmup – Episode 1986b
October 4, 2019 in News, Video by RBN Staff
via: Freedom 4um
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Report date: 10.03.2019
The [DS] have just exposed everything, the lying, cheating and their agenda. More and more evidence is produced that JB & HB profited in Ukraine and China. Volker testified today and it was a nothing burger. The call to have AS resign it getting stronger and stronger. Brennan panics, JD wants to interview him, the main target is always last in an investigation. Flynn’s attorney is building the case to free Flynn, she has more evidence up her sleeve so stay tuned. Trump and the patriots are pushing the information out to the public, the public is hearing, Ukraine, China and other countries, corruption, treason and crimes, the MSM is trying to defend it all but it is failing. It’s only a matter of time.