Parents warned, again, that indoctrination coming for your kids
April 22, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: One News Now
According to an exclusive National Review story, the U.S. Dept. of Education has announced grant funding is available for programs in U.S. history and civils classes that “incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives.”
What does that mean? According to the Federal Register, where the “Proposed Priorities” was published April 19, the “landmark” 1619 Project published by The New York Times is one example of what the federal agency is looking for. That example is especially telling since the 1619 Project, which suggests America was established to promote slavery, was ripped by respected historians both liberal and conservative for making false or misleading claims about American history.
Despite the growing controversy, the Times moved quickly to get the Pulitzer-winning 1619 Project in school classrooms, and it took months for the academic backlash to force a response, and a list of corrections, from the Times.
Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones, who led the 1619 Project, eventually claimed the multi-part series was missing “important context.”
National Review writer Stanley Kurtz, who broke the story about the pending federal grant, points out that controversial scholar Ibram X. Kendi is cited by the U.S. Dept. of Education as a second example of the “diverse perspectives” the federal agency is pleased to promote. In politics and academia, Kendi is recognized as a pioneering proponent of Critical Race theory which, at this moment, is teaching school children, federal workers, and corporate executives that white people are racists at birth and their hidden feelings of racial superiority must be confessed and atoned for.
Responding to the controversy, AFR co-host Wil Addison of “Airing the Addisons” says the federal government’s blatant plan to indoctrinate our kids, and to dangle federal grants to do it, should be the Marxist straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“Whoever wins the time battle wins,” Addison says of the school classroom, “because if you have an indoctrination center having eight hours of the day with your child, when they come home, you’re going to have to work very, very hard to get out of them what’s been put in.”
One current example of that classroom battle is Grace Church School, a private school located in Manhattan. Math teacher Paul Rossi fought the raced-based indoctrination over several years before going public in recent weeks with an online commentary describing his internal fight. That action got Rossi fired but the school principal admitted, in a private phone call, the anti-racism lessons were “demonizing” students if they were born white.
A history lesson about ‘revolution’
On the weekday “Airing the Addisons” radio show, co-host Meeke Addison has emerged as a leading critic of Critical Race Theory after studying its history. At the same time CRT is spreading through academia and corporations, she is teaching audiences that Critical Race Theory emerged as a new strategy of “Cultural Marxism,” which itself was reimagined by Marxists in the 1930s after their plans for a worker-led, economic-based revolution in Europe failed in the early 1900s.
The reason the revolution in Europe failed, Addison says, is because Europe’s poor saw America as a source of opportunity. So they immigrated here to find a job, or to start a business, instead of joining a revolution to overthrow their government back home. But the Marxists came, too, Addison says. They viewed America as their biggest obstacle and hence it must be destroyed from within for their revolution to be realized.
According to Addison, those new Marxist thinkers realized they must convince otherwise happy people that they are a “perpetual class of victims” who are oppressed because of their race, sex, and class. This claim of oppression, with revolution as the cure, has spread for a century through universities, Hollywood, churches, and politics, she warns her audience.
According to Meeke Addison and other scholars, the roots of “Cultural Marxism” can be traced to Antontio Gramsci, an Italian-based Marxist who first proposed a “long march through the institutions” of the West.
Trump warned us at debate
According to Kurtz’s NRO story, it should come as no surprise that the Biden administration is pushing Critical Race Theory after the public witnessed Joe Biden condemn “systemic racism and white supremacy” in a March speech.

During the Trump administration, the former president ordered the federal government to stop forcing employees to sit through “racial-sensitivity” training sessions that were, in reality, teaching Critical Race Theory. White employees at the U.S. Treasury Dept. were told by an instructor that their ancestors built the country on the backs of slaves and their descendants remain the oppressors today.
“I ended it because it’s racist,” Trump said during a debate with Biden. “They were teaching people to hate our country.”
“Nobody’s doing that,” Biden responded.
According to Kurtz, however, the U.S. Dept. of Education plans to pour $1 billion into public schools if a little-known congressional bill, the Civics Secures Democracy Act, becomes law.
“These curricula are going to teach our children to hate the country, to rebel against their parents,” Wil Addison warns. “I think it’s going to bring more chaos, more hatred.”
Meeke Addison presented the history of Critical Race Theory, and its threat to the Church, in a presentation that can be viewed here.