Pope Francis backs ‘universal’ COVID vaccination ‘for all’, WHO thrilled
August 21, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
Source: lifesitenews
VATICAN CITY, August 21, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Pope Francis has backed global elites such as Bill Gates when it comes to a Coronavirus vaccination, saying that it should be “universal and for all.”
In his Wednesday afternoon address, the Argentinian pontiff made his comments in the context of opposing rich countries and people obtaining the vaccine.
“It would be sad if we gave priority for the COVID-19 vaccine to the richest people,” Pope Francis declared.
“It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and for all,” he continued.
Vaccine critics, including environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are warning that key parts of testing are being skipped in the push to develop a COVID vaccine. Critics warn about the risks of large-scale injury and other health-related consequences that could result from a largely untested vaccine that is suddenly injected into millions.
Earlier this year, a Canadian inoculations watchdog alerted LifeSiteNews to the dangers of vaccines that are developed too quickly. Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), a society founded by families who have suffered from vaccine reactions or injuries, warned in May that Canadians should be concerned about the safety of a coronavirus trial vaccine manufactured by China.
Some authorities, like Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology, have warned that developing a single vaccine for a virus for which the original genetic code is being withheld by the Chinese and which has already mutated into a dozen different strains is “extremely unlikely.” This has resulted in many speculating on an ulterior agenda behind the global push for a COVID vaccination.
Some Church leaders, such as Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and U.S. Bishop Joseph Strickland, have urged Catholics to reject COVID vaccines developed using cell-lines from aborted babies.
The Pope began his Wednesday speech by saying that the coronavirus pandemic had revealed the difficult situation of the poor “and the great inequality that reigns in the world.” Although the coronavirus does not make exceptions between people, he said, it had nevertheless found, in “its devastating path, great inequalities and discriminations” and even increased them.
Pope Francis said that there must be a two-fold response to the situation: both a cure for the “little virus” of COVID-19 and a cure for the “big virus,” “that of social injustice, of unequal opportunity, of marginalization, and of lack of protection for the weakest.”
He noted that everyone is worried about the social consequences of the pandemic and that many want to return to “normality and take up economic activities again.” However, the pontiff warned that this “normality” should contribute to social injustice and environmental damage.
“The pandemic is a crisis, and we don’t come out of a crisis unchanged,” he said.
“Either we leave better or we leave worse.”
Pope Francis declared that we should leave better, bettering social justice and the condition of the environment.
“Today we have an opportunity to build something different,” he said.
The Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly echoed the pontiff’s hopes that the world’s poor are inoculated against the virus.
“I couldn’t agree more with Your Holiness @Pontifix,” tweeted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus yesterday.
“The #COVID19 pandemic shows that we must make health a human right for all and not allow it to be a few. It also gives us an opportunity to rebuild a better, safer, fairer world – together!”
The global organization has invited different countries around the world to join an endeavor called “the COVAX pillar,” an agreement to work together on creating and distributing a successful vaccine so that mass inoculations can take place as soon as possible all over the world.
“The COVAX pillar aims to ensure that every country gets fair and equitable access to eventual Covid vaccines,” a WHO information video explains.
“It does this by acting as an insurance policy, with the largest portfolio of vaccine candidates in the world.”
The WHO hopes that richer countries, currently pouring money into local vaccine research, will pool their resources so as to be able to afford production on a massive scale once a successful vaccine becomes available.
The guiding principle of the scheme is that all countries will have “equitable access” to the vaccine, so that poorer countries who cannot afford to pay for it will not be left behind.
“Two billion doses would be enough to vaccinate health care workers and other high risk groups,” the WHO video states.
“If we start now, we can save hundreds of thousands of lives, not to mention trillions of dollars,” it continues.
“It’s not about one country versus another: it’s about one world, protected.”
The WHO director told the media that the WHO wants a two-stage process of inoculation: after the health care workers and most vulnerable throughout the world – estimated at 20% of every country – the competing needs of nations for doses for the rest of their populations will be evaluated.
“In phase 1, doses will be allocated proportionally to all participating countries simultaneously to reduce overall risk,” he said.
“In phase 2, consideration will be given to countries’ in relation to threat and vulnerability.”
Tedros explained that “front line workers in health and social care settings” are top priority because they are “essential to treat and protect the population and come in close contact with high-mortality risk groups.”
However, the WHO director also stated that “no-one is safe until everyone is safe.”
According to Breitbart News, over 168 are in development and 8 of these are in “phase 3” trials.