“Practice An Eye Gouge”: Project Veritas Exposes ANTIFA Training

June 10, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff

source:  freedomwire

“Practice An Eye Gouge”: Project Veritas Exposes ANTIFA Training

The only thing that can dispel the myths propagated by Leftist-controlled social media platforms is pushing viral video evidence that undeniably contradicts their narrative. To do just that, investigative journalist group Project Veritas is on the job again, this time seeking to expose far-Left extremist organization ANTIFA.

James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, released a video on Thursday featuring one of their anonymous insiders who revealed the recruitment process, training tactics, and international ties of the domestic terrorist group.

A Shocking First-Person Account

James O’Keefe@JamesOKeefeIII


“Practice things like an eye gouge. It takes very little pressure to injure someone’s eyes.”

“It’s not boxing, it’s not kickboxing, it’s like destroying your enemy.”

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The insider came forward as a former recruit from the organization’s most well-established chapter, Rose City ANTIFA (RCA), which is located in Portland, Oregon. He came to the interview dressed in the traditional “black bloc” that the group members are known for wearing to completely conceal their identities when committing acts of violence.

The insider first discussed the criminal organization’s discreet recruitment process, similar in many regards to a drug deal. He was asked by leaders to wear a certain outfit at a Starbucks, where another ANTIFA member identified him, then took him to a secondary location to conduct an interview. From there, it gets worse. The informant then exposed clips of leaders training recruits on intimidation tactics, teaching them the “right” way to commit violence.

In the shocking videos, trainers are shown casually stating horrific things like, “Practice things like an eye gouge. It takes very little pressure to injure someone’s eyes.” They are recorded encouraging recruits to not just simply beat someone up, but to think of it as “It’s not boxing, it’s kickboxing, it’s like destroying your enemy.” Members are being told to do more than hurt their victims—they’re being told to literally destroy them.

Picking The Perfect Victim

One trainer used Trump supporters as an example of their ideal targets. He explained how to intimidate them out of publicly supporting the president by “making them feel outnumbered,” so that “their whole ‘yay yay America Trump’ thing is gonna go by the wayside.” Also caught on camera was a trainer stating, “the whole goal of this, right, is to get out there and do dangerous things as safely as possible.”

It’s both disgusting and insanely ironic that this trainer is really trying to promote “safety” for those learning how to seriously harm other people.

The insider goes on to discuss the founder of RCA, who now lives in Europe with her husband as a dual citizen of Sweden and the US. He continues that RCA is oddly structured and operates “like a company or like a business,” which leads him to believe they receive outside funding to their covert operation.

The Government Takes Notice

Simultaneously, on Thursday, AG Barr confirmed what we saw in the video in a press conference where he took questions regarding the roots of the riots. Although he made no comment about the Project Veritas video specifically, he announced that “foreign actors” are at play alongside ANTIFA to “hijack protests.” This could very well corroborate the insider’s claim that foreign influence is a factor in the organization’s push for a far-Left political agenda. FBI Director Christopher Wray later added to Barr’s statement that “these individuals have set out to sow discord and upheaval,” according to Fox News.

Since its release at 9 AM on Thursday morning, the video has received more than 2 million views via Project Veritas post, not counting all the news personalities who have shared it and the repostings and views it’s gotten on other platforms. The hashtag #EXPOSEANTIFA has been trending all day, and Project Veritas has come to the forefront of many conversations.

Hopefully, this brings light to what is really happening with the George Floyd protests and wakes people up to the ways of the far Left.

These organized extremists are working against the interests of all Americans, and they need to be stopped before it’s too late.

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