Prominent Palestinian Challenges UK PM May on Anniversary of Balfour Agreement

April 11, 2017 in News by RBN Staff


Source: WHTT

The Balfour Agreement, signed 100 years ago, dramatically changed the course of events in the Middle East and the lives of millions of Palestinians. Our Palestinian friend, Rev. Alex Awad has written an open letter to the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, on how the Balfour Agreement affected his family and countless other Palestinian families. Please help Alex and the Palestinian cause by writing a letter to PM May, as requested in an email from Alex: [Ed.-TEC – see my letter to PM May at the end of this article]

Dear friends and Partners in Peacemaking,

Come and See”, A website that is based in Nazareth has just posted my open letter to the British Prime Minister, Theresa May. After reading my letter, I want to encourage you to send it to as many of your friends as possible and encourage them to write a note to the PM. If 300 to 500 US citizens write to her regarding the Balfour Declaration, she will take notice. Your letter does not have to be as long as mine. One paragraph would be enough. Once you write your letter sent it to this email address: Or, to this land address in London: Prime Minister Theresa May. 10 Downing Street, London, England

Don’t let the bridge to justice be constructed without your brick!

Palestinian Pastor sends an open letter to the British Prime Minister

By: Alex Awad

The Honorable Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:

I am a Palestinian who was born in Jerusalem in 1946 during the British Mandate over Palestine. During the first Arab-Israeli war in May 1948 I was two years old. My father, a civilian, was shot and killed in crossfire between the Zionist Haganah militias and the Jordanian army, leaving my mother to care for seven children. The oldest of my siblings was eleven and the youngest six months old. Soon after the death of my father, our neighborhood was taken over by the Israelis and we fled, becoming refugees. As I grew up, I began to ask questions about why my father was killed, what caused the Israel/Palestine conflict and what triggered all the suffering of millions of Palestinians and Jews in the last 100 years.

In time, I learned about the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate over Palestine. I discovered that in 1917, the British Foreign Secretary sent a letter, later called the Balfour Declaration, to Lord Rothschild and Zionist leaders, promising to support the creation of a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. After WWI, against the objections of my people, the British government colonized Palestine and made it possible for the Zionist movement to take over our homeland.

Your Honor, there is no way that your country can undo the tragic history of the last 100 years. All the wealth of Great Britain can’t compensate me and my fellow compatriots for the death, injury, loss of land and enormous suffering that came upon us and continue to bring pain to us due to the Balfour Declaration and other oppressive policies of your predecessors. I look back to the past only to remind you of the grave injustices that my people and I have endured, due partly to the United Kingdom’s past policies. I seek no apologies and no compensations. And as a Palestinian Christian, I offer you and the British people total pardon.

As I look to the future, I believe that your government can help to end to the Israel/Palestine conflict and bury the memory of the Balfour Declaration, and I call on you to have the courage and determination to do so.

Britain was among the first in creating this tragic conflict but shouldn’t be the last in taking positive steps to resolve it.

This year, which marks the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, your government can help Israelis and Palestinians begin to find the path to a just and genuine reconciliation. Let 2017 be the year that Britain conducts its policy for Israel and Palestine independently of the influence and dictates of the United States.

A first step would be for Britain to recognize an independent Palestinian State in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip. Once your government takes this courageous act, many reluctant European countries would be encouraged to follow suit. Already 138 countries including the Holy See recognize Palestinian statehood.

Your contribution to ending the Israel/Palestine conflict would not only save Israeli and Palestinian lives but could also usher in an era of peace and help to end bloody conflicts and acts of violence elsewhere in the Middle East and throughout the world.

Prime Minister, let Great Britain lead the way to peace under your brave and wise guidance.


Rev. Dr. Alex Awad
Author, pastor, and retired missionary of the United Methodist Church

Alex Awad was born in Palestine and served there for decades as a missionary of the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church. Awad was the pastor of an international congregation at East Jerusalem Baptist Church, served as Professor, Dean of Students and Director of the Shepherd Society at Bethlehem Bible College, and is the author of two books: Palestinian Memories: The Story of a Palestinian Mother and Her People and Through the Eyes of the Victims: The Story of The Arab-Israeli Conflict.

[Ed.-TEC] Here’s the email I sent to Prime Minister Theresa May per Alex’ request:

Prime Minister May,

2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Agreement that the UK granted Zionists a state called Israel taken from Palestinian lands. The past and the ensuing suffering of the Palestinian people cannot be changed, but your government can leave a legacy of lasting peace by recognizing a Palestinian state as recognized by 138 other countries. I am writing this letter in response and support to my Palestinian friend and brother in Christ, Rev. Dr. Alex Awad who sent you an open letter asking for your help:

Thanks You for Your Consideration,

Thomas E. Compton – Arizona, USA