Protect underage Texans from dangerous gender reassignment procedures – Contact your State Legislators today!

April 20, 2021 in News by RBN Staff


via: by Mark Dankof



Texas Alert from LifeSite News:

In addition to Senate Bill 1311 which would prohibit medical professionals from completing dangerous gender reassignment surgeries, Senate Bill 1646 would formally classify gender reassignment of a minor as child abuse.

There are also three House Bills that mirror SB 1311 and 1646, one of which, house bill 1399 just passed out of committee. Now the House needs to hear and vote on the bill. Urge your representatives to bring the bill to the floor.

Please join me in urging your Texas representatives and senators to bring these bills to a vote.

Mark Dankof:

Thank you for supporting our effort to protect young Texas from permanent, life-changing gender reassignment procedures and treatments before coming of age!

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At a time in our history where the radical left has successfully obtained control over the White House along with both chambers of Congress, it goes without saying that our country and its principles are under attack like never before, especially at the federal level.

But in their quest to advance an extreme new social agenda, perhaps nothing is more egregious than the left’s unprecedented targeting of American minors — our children.

Thankfully, though, individual states are rising up to challenge this dangerous agenda, and Texas is one of them.

In fact, a group of bills to reject inflicting medically dangerous treatments and procedures on gender-confused children under the age of 18 has recently been introduced in the Texas State Legislature, and they’re currently working their way through the legislative process.


While it’s still early, there’s no better time to let our State Senators and House Members know that Texans support this important legislation to protect our state’s children from the radical left’s unsettling medical agenda.

You can contact your State Legislators in one easy step using this simple contact form that is making available here, on the Voter Voice platform.

With one click, your message is sent directly to your representatives without having to look up any of their contact details.

The aforementioned group of bills include Senate Bills (SB) 1311 and 1646, and House Bills (HB) 68, 1399, and 1424.

SB 1311, introduced by Republican Senator Bob Hall, would prohibit Texas physicians and health care providers from performing dangerous, permanent “gender reassignment” surgeries and related procedures on Texas children under the age of 18. Per the bill, failure to comply would result in a newly introduced penalty that would automatically revoke the “license, certification, or authorization” of any medical professional that is determined, by the Texas Medical Board or other applicable state agency, to have violated the new law.

SB 1646, introduced by Republican Senator Charles Perry, would formally amend the definition of “child abuse” to include subjecting minors to largely experimental “gender reassignment” and “transitional” procedures and related treatments, including hormone therapy, making the adults involved – including parents, legal guardians, and administering physicians – liable, under Texas law.

(HB 68, introduced by Republican Representative Steve Toth, also seeks to amend the definition of “child abuse” under Texas state law to include “transition”-related medical procedures performed on minors).

HB 1399, introduced by Republican Representative Matt Krause, would ban liability insurance policies for medical professionals in Texas from covering damages incurred by the administration of “transition”-related treatments to and/or the performance of “gender-reassignment” surgeries on children under the age of 18.

HB 1424, introduced by Republican Representative Tom Oliverson, would allow Texas medical professionals to abstain from administering any treatment and/or performing any medical procedure that, per the bill, “violates the physician’s, nurse’s, staff member’s, or employee’s ethical, moral, or religious beliefs.”

As you can see, this group of bills does what the new federal government refuses to do by formally addressing the risks and life-changing consequences that come with undergoing cosmetic “gender-reassignment” surgeries and other related treatments, and ensuring that such personal, permanent decisions are reserved for adults and adults ONLY — not underage children — under Texas law.

That’s why we must take swift, decisive action and let our State Legislators know how important it is that they vote to approve these bills and send them to Governor Abbott’s desk as soon as possible.

Please take a few minutes to contact your State Senator and House Member and request that they support this group of legislation – including SB 1311, SB 1646 / HB 68, HB 1399, and HB 1424 – if and when they come before them for a vote.

Texas can set a nationwide precedent for other states looking to adopt similar policies in response to the new federal government’s radical social agenda and the involvement of our children within it, so there’s no time to waste.

Our legislators must be bold: The time to protect young Texans from making permanent, life-changing medical decisions before coming of age and to hold the adults involved accountable for their encouraging actions is NOW.

Thank you for helping deliver this message to them.

Learn more about SB 1311 and read its full text HERE:

Learn more about SB 1646 and read its full text HERE:

Learn more about HB 68 and read its full text HERE:

Learn more about HB 1399 and read its full text HERE:

Learn more about HB 1424 and read its full text HERE: