Quasi-Governmental Psyops deployed to Steal our Future

August 25, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Veterans Today

Ever wonder how American Defense Policy is made which keeps leading America into illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared perpetual Wars?

In this article you will be informed how Quasi-Governmental Top Policy-Makers use sophisticated Psyops to Mind-Kontrol and deceive Americans into supporting these crimes against humanity which they would never otherwise support.

It’s high time Americans learn how sophisticated quasi-governmental Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards (TTs/DPBs) steal their future by creating sophisticated Psyops and disseminating them through the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

It is important to realize that the 9/11/01 nuclear attack on America was imagined, created, woven into a major Psyop against the American Masses in secret, closed meetings in one of these TTs/DPBs and this Psyop was designed to create a huge lie designed to sucker America into another illegal Mideast war.

These Psyops are comprised of “Big Lie” Narratives masquerading as official Government-dispensed Truth, when actually they are little more than very Big, absurd Lies concocted in these secret Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards and then dispensed through the CMMM, which is of course controlled by them.

These Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards (TTs/DPBs) are typically heavily populated with a collection of NeoCons, PNACers, Israeli-American Israeli-First “Dual and Triple Citizens” and Defense Industry or Military Insiders.

These folks who are often noticeably subservient to top World Zionists (WZs) operating out of the City of London and Israel, and extremely friendly to large Defense Contractors who provide massive direct or indirect rewards to them for their work on behalf of Israel and the WZs.

Triple Citizens:


Recent insider disclosures, and Russian and French Intel dumps into the public sector have shown that some of the top World Zionists who are running sophisticated espionage fronts inside America such as AIPAC and the like, are actually “Triple Citizens.”

Stew Webb, noted Federal Whistle-blower and VT Columnist has previously stated that some notorious Triple Citizens are part of the the Denver Circle of Twelve (thirteen at the “Witching hour”) and are also Triple Citizens and have been able to travel freely in an out of Russia in the past before Putin was elected.

What is a Triple Citizen? A triple Citizen is an Israel-American, Israeli-First “Dual Citizen” who is also a Russian Citizen too and typically a member of the “Red Mafiya” which is notably Judaic, something few journalists have ever wanted to discuss in the past.

indexWorld Zionists (WZs), NeoCons, PNACers and Israeli-American, Isreali-First “Dual and Triple Citizens” now have the most influential roles in TTs/DPBs.

Many of these Triples have used false names and have Diplomatic Immunity allowing them to operate sophisticated espionage on behalf of the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) centered in Israel which serves as the main action agent for the Rothschild City of London Zionist private Central Banksters.

It is now known that the Red Mafiya is an important leg of the International Zionist Crime Syndicate operating out of their Home-base in Israel. They find Israeli Citizenship quite rewarding because they can run their massive sex trafficking and prostitution/female slavery ops there with impunity and little fear of arrest or prosecution.

And if prosecution in other nations where they ply their scams and syndicate activities seems imminent, they can and do go back to Israel where they cannot be extradited from and are thus beyond the reach of International law. The Red Mafiya has deeply infiltrated American politics and Intel and is often used as cover for numerous Mossad crimes.

It is now believed by insiders and those who have studied this in detail that World Zionists have taken control over most Defense Policy-Making by setting up and stacking these Think Tanks and Defense Policy Boards with folks who are either Dual or Triple Citizens or usually owned by the WZs one way or another.

I am not going to identify these here (perhaps you can guess why), but you can find their names and who serves on them with a little Internet digging. The most notorious one is called “The Joint”, and has been clearly functioning as an action-agent for the World Zionists (WZs) and the IZCS for many years, even before WW2, disguised as a Judaic charity.

The function of these Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards is to concoct USG policies which are good for World Zionists and Israel, and substantially bad for “We the People.” And what are these policies? These policies are actually sophisticated Pysops designed to draw support from American politicians and the American public for the waging of illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared perpetual wars.  These wars are deemed necessary by the WZs to keep massive war profits coming to the Banksters and large Defense Contractors at the expense of the American Taxpayers aka “We the People.”

Are these TTs/DPBs Quasi-Governmental Entities? No, not on your life. But they think they are the real US Government because they have gained so much influence and control over Congress, the Judiciary and now DHS, that they think they ARE the true USG.

These Think Tanks and Defense policy Boards (TTs/DPBs) are wrongly viewed by most as quasi-government entities when they are little more than WZ zionist espionage fronts used to coerce the USG to follow WZ dictated “Defense” Policies.  The main Defense Policy Board has always maintained a close role to advising the Department of defense, the Secretary of Defense and thus hopefully the US Administration, and has often been able to influence the actions of US Presidents to conform to the wishes of the World Zionists (WZs).

These Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards concoct and disseminate Big Lies as major Psyops.

6corps-320x316They do this using the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) which their master controllers the World Zionists (WZs) actually own and control. When their Big Lies are dispensed by the CMMM, they become official USG information releases which in reality are nothing more than Big Government Lies.

So this is the way it works. These Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards concoct major Psyops based on “Big Lies that are dispensed by the CMMM as USG dispensed “Officially Christened Facts” when they are actually “Big Government Lies”.

False narratives based on Big Lies and Psyops are their specialty:

A fabric of of False Narratives is created and dispensed to the American masses which is actually a sophisticated Psyops designed to subvert the US Constitution, Bill of rights and World law.

The fabric of these False Narratives is created and dispensed to the American masses by these Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards which misleads and motivates the American masses to support wars of aggression and crimes against humanity by the US Military. of course this is all based on the creation and dispensing of Big lies which are actually major Psyops against the American masses (aka “We the People”).

Big Lies of the TTs/DPBs are woven into narratives of Big USG Lies, served up to the American Masses by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

enemy-of-the-state1These Big Government Lies are woven into a fabric of narratives which motivates the American masses to support USG Policies designed to taker America into wars of aggression for war profiteering that are illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked and undeclared. Those Top Policy-Makers who sit on these TTs/DPBs who lead America into these illegal wars of aggression on behalf of Israel are truly enemies of the state and have committed Treason.

These illegal Wars of Aggression get a big boost by the deployment of WZ False-Flag attacks which are usually designed in Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards which also design the news releases which either precede them or accompany them, and which are actually nothing more than major Psyops designed to motivate the American masses into supporting these highly illegal aggressive wars and crimes against humanity.

False-Flag attacks are conceived, operationally planned and rolled out in these think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards.

Malcom-X-Quote-oppressed-peopleThese illegal American wars of aggression have typically required major False-Flags to serve as a turning point to actualize strong support by the American masses for war:  The false-flag sinking of the Maine; the use of the Lusitania for shipping munitions knowing it would be sunk after informing the Nazis of the cargo; the Pearl Harbor attack, American provoked it over many years, Navy Intel knew it was coming and moved the carriers out of port rather than defend the base; the Gulf of Tonkin incident which was later admitted by McNamara to be a lie; the American induced Iraqi invasion of Kuwait based on informing Saddam Hussein about Sante-Fe’s cross-drilling and promising to ignore it if he did something about it; the (9/11/01 nuclear attack on America where nukes were placed in the Twin Towers by Israeli Intel along with major support from the VP, JCS, USAF, NORAD, and FAA.

2Remember the Israel nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01 with the help of Traitors in the USAF, NORAD, the JCS, and the USAF, the NeoCons, and the PNACers was hatched inside a major particular defense Policy Board, and deployed as a major Psyop to draw Americans into another war for Israel as part of their World Acquisition plan for the Rothschild City of London Banksters and Moneychangers.

In a previous article, it was suggested that there is a secret Civil War going on inside America which is being fought remotely in the Mideast and the Ukraine.(1)

These Secret Shadow Government Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards are pitted against the new high Command of the US Military which appears to now be dead-set against entering into any new wars for Israel. This is a serious point of contention because each day the desperation of these Secret Shadow Government Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards and they become increasingly motivated to engineer and deploy drastic actions such as more nuclear 9/11/01 attacks on America.

What assets do these Secret Shadow Government Think-Tanks and Defense Policy Boards (TT/DPBs) actually posses?

They have their own private mercenary armies, some with offices inside America. Most of these were assembled by the bush Crime cabal under the direction of Bush1 as private CIA Armies during the Iran Contra days. Some still exist and have obtained huge no bid USG contracts.


These TT/DPBs have almost complete control over many assets inside the American Congress and the US Department of State through their vastly wealthy WZ lobbying groups such as AIPAC and the like which are actually illegal, espionage groups operating inside America against “We the People”.

These WZs who control the TT/DPBs literally own and control the six major Mass Media Corporations that control the dissemination of all the news and portray it as factual.

This provides them an instant means to use the CMMM to dispense their concocted Big Lies and false narratives which in reality are major Psyops against “We the People”.

Of course these Psyops are designed to manipulate America along a path very good for the WZs and the Babylonian Talmudists (AKA Denver Circle of twelve or “Illuminati”), but very bad for the American Taxpayer and “We the People.”

These TT/DPBs also have some very strong assets inside American Intel Agencies. After BUsh2 left office and took Cheney (Darth Vader) with him, many of these assets have been pressured to resign or dis-empowered.

A very powerful asset these TTs/DPBs now have is the Homeland Security which was set up by WZs to serve as a Secret Israeli Occupation Army inside America, deployed to consolidate all Alphabets, Intel and Law Enforcement under the control of an Israel-America Israeli-First Dual Citizen (“Son of the Devil”). This need to create a private Internal Army inside America was was announced by Obama during his first campaign and now we have it.

Right now President Obama is Obstructing the WZs use of policy Boards to generate another illegal Mideast War for Israel.

And yet President Obama has been refusing to follow the edicts, propaganda and Psyops dictated by the TTs/DPBs through their owned mouthpiece the CMMM. Why is he balking when many though he was owned by the Chitown Kosher Nostra? Some say he has turned on many of his supporters. Others say that the Military High Command has taken his football away, replacing it with a fake one and placing him under secret indictment and high restriction, but keeping him on as a figurehead Potus to preserve as much stability as possible in a system which has actually become quite unstable.

The CMMM has been publishing numerous fake, concocted BIG Lie Psyops Stories designed to push Americans into a another major war for the WZs and Israel in the Mideast or the Ukraine.

Iraq3Here are some of the fake stories which have appeared in the CMMM and which have been published as though they are official USG truth. Don’t be fooled by these Major Lies dispensed by the WZ controlled CMMM. These Big Lies are all part of a sophisticated Psyop against the American People by these TTs/DPBs. Let us clearly understand that.

A. “NATO sees alarming build-up of Russian forces near Ukraine.”(2) This story is misinformation and part of a major Psyop created and deployed by the TTs/DPBs designed to foment another war for Israel and the WZs.

B. “Russia escalates with tensions with aid convoy, reported firing of artillery shells inside Ukraine.”(3) This story is another Big Lie concocted inside the TTs/DPBs and then deployed through the CMMM designed to foment another war for Israel and the WZs.

Now occasionally contrarian stories appear which appear truthful and these must also be vetted for truth. Here are a couple which have been vetted and shown to be true:

iraq-3C. “Was Putin right about Syria?” This article suggest that the American Military High Command is now considering airstrikes against the Syrian rebels who are now involved with ISIS, suggested by some insiders to actually be a private mercenary army like Al CIA Duh run out of America.

Does this private Defense contractor know anything about this as some Bloggers have suggested or is their name being the same as ISIS in Iraq (an extension of Al CIA Duh) a pure coincidence?(5)

D. “West poised to join forces with President Assad in face of Islamic State.”(6) This story has both misinformation and some truth. But it does signify the current battle inside America between the US High Military Command which does not want any new major wars for Israel and the major Psyops created and dispensed by the TTs/DFBs which were deployed to bring America into fighting another war for Israel, the WZs and their large Defense Contractors.


These TTs/DPBs are the tip of the spear for the WZs in America and serve up major Psyops periodically which are designed to mislead and Mind-Kontrol the American masses (“We the People”) and take America into additional, illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared war of aggression for Israel, the WZs and their large Defense Contractors. Certainly it is time to expose this Evil Underbelly of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is controlled by the World Zionists working out of Israel and commanded by the City London Rothschild private Central Banksters and their Franchisee the Federal Reserve System in America. If the new US Military High Command succeeds in this Secret Civil War against these WZs which is now being fought through proxy mercenary armies in the Mideast and the Ukraine, it will be the end of these criminal TTs/DPBs.

ThitselfThose who want a better understanding of the TTs/DPBs can do some basic and detailed Web research using proxied search engines and studying the various entities comprising the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and the Defense Policy Boards.(6)

This whole subject of the TTs/DPBs has been kept clouded in secrecy on purpose and need to be fully exposed by those willing to come forth, speak out and fully research these extra-governmental structures which create and dispense Psyops to Mind-Kontrol “We the People” and induce them to support elite WZ and Israeli crimes they would never otherwise support.(7) Not every defense Policy Board is operating as a foreign espionage front for the WZs or Israelis inside America. Do your own detailed research and come to your own conclusion which ones are functioning as foreign agents or espionage,e.g. “Treasonous and Seditious Enemies Inside the Gates of America.”(8)

Few Americans, even those who work inside the USG understand how American Defense policy is formulated by the TTs/DPBs that present themselves as Quasi-government entities when they are little more than owned stooges for the Rothschild Zionist private Central Banksters and moneychangers working out of the City of London and their franchise Fiat central Banks. It is this Rothschild Zionist network of World Fiat Banksters that use Babylonian Money-Magick to make money from nothing and and fraudulently charge Interest and Principal for using such pretend money which are actually only debt-notes and not real Constitutional money at all.

Few realize that almost every single bit of it has classically been created to deceive, mislead and draw America into numerous perpetual wars using sophisticated Psyops designed to Mind-Kontrol and to keep the large Defense Contractors, Big oil and World Zionism fat with war profits. Each of these is connected at the hip as highly respected VT Columnist Dean Henderson has shown conclusively in his articles, youtubes and inexpensive but highly informative books.(9)

It is this massive money power created in response to these illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared wars which provides the ability for the WZs to buy, bribe, own or human compromise almost ever Member of Congress and many USG officials as well as most federal judges including most of the Supreme court.


In the late 1940s after the end of WW2, the name US Department of War was changed to the department of Defense. Right now the current US High Command is trying to make sure the current name fits.

Certainly the name “Department of Defense” should never have been assumed since Top Quasi-Governmental Policy-Makers repeatedly have drawn the American Military into perpetual wars of aggression that were Illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked and undeclared and which used the American Soldier as disposable cannon fodder to generate massive profits. These WZ scum appear to have have lost their souls or perhaps never had any in the first place. They care nothing about any human life except their own. Some insiders believe World Zionism is not even human anyway but an evil Luciferian based, exceedingly toxic Death Cult virus plaguing mankind. They WZs are the Neo-Bolsheviks of the 21st century in America but also are the same “Synogogue of Satan” Bolshevik families that murdered the Russian Czar and his whole family back in 1917 and proceeded to then institute the Red Cheka aka “Red Terror” to progressively mass-murder 100 Millions Russian and steal all their Gold, silver and Jewels.

These WZs plan to transform America into GAZA II, the world’s biggest open air prison camp and then systematically and progressively mass-murder all American Goyim after starting a Civil War. These WZ invaders are in for a very big surprise when they find out Americans are now waking up, understand their evil game and will NEVER be like the Palestinians. Once the American is provoked enough by them, they will be the ones eradicated.

It is time for all Americans to understand the way in which these Quasi-governmental Think Tanks and Defense Policy Boards use WZ Money Power to buy, bribe, influence and coerce the US Military, Congress and the Administration to wage these illegal wars. And it is important to realize that these illegal wars are crimes against humanity and being waged to generate massive war profits and increase government power at the expense of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law.

All Americans must all wake up and make sure these Traitors are fully prosecuted for the foreign espionage they do against America and We the People. We must make sure that all these WZ espionage fronts inside America and the perps involved are stopped cold and also fully prosecuted for espionage.