Rats Are Running From Looming Traps
January 20, 2025 in News by RBN Staff
source: newswithviews
By Kat Stansell
January 20, 2025
It is easy enough to miss a quick news item, in all the pre-inaugural and LA fire-related goings-on, but a man named Edgar Maddison Welch was shot and killed by police in NC last week.
You might remember him. He was the young man who felt he had uncovered evidence of a child sex parlor at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, in Georgetown, NW DC, in 2016. He ran into the restaurant armed, scared the customers and fired one shot through a door inside the restaurant, injuring no one, but destroying a computer. When there were no children behind that door, he surrendered and handed over his weapon.
According to ABC News, “Welch had entered the restaurant armed, and as customers fled the scene, shot at a locked closet inside. After realizing there were no children held captive in the pizzeria, Welch peacefully surrendered. No one was injured. “
Welch pleaded guilty to interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Had Edgar Welch come across the US border illegally, 2020 – 2024, he would have been given free housing, medical care and food for his actions. But, I digress.
Instead, he was sentenced to a four years in jail by Ketanji Brown, then a District Court judge in DC. She apparently did not have to define “woman” for this, but could this have anything to do with how she ended up, quite surprisingly and quickly, on SCOTUS?
PizzaGate was in 2017. Welch’s sentence was completed in 2021. Presumably, he had then been on parole since then. Violation of parole is not usually a cause for murder. Housecleaning of the deep dark pit of DC Luciferian behavior might be.
As of Jan. 4, 2025, when Welch was shot by police in Kannapolis, NC, he was riding in a vehicle which was recognized by one officer on the city police force. The police statement is, that the vehicle was stopped because there was an outstanding warrant. As picked up by NPR, one of the officers recognized the car as the vehicle of someone he had arrested and who had an outstanding warrant for a felony probation violation. I linked you to the NPR article because I wanted you to see the four times “conspiracy theory” was referenced in the short article.
It’s also interesting because Welch was from Salsbury, NC, 20+ miles down the road, yet Kananapolis poice instantly recognized him and the car. Were they told to FIND this vehicle? I think that might be a fair question. Kannapolis’s 2024 polulation is estinmated to be 60, 660, and is rising quickly. It’s a really good police department to keep up with things like this as the city’s growth spurts upward.
Moreover, Welch was a passenger in the vehicle, a 2001 GMC Yukon. According to reports, police in Kannapolis stopped the car and pulled open the passenger side door, guns drawn. When the officers approached the vehicle to arrest Welch, police said the man pulled out a handgun and pointed it (emphasis mine) at one of the officers. After he was instructed to drop the weapon but refused, two officers shot Welch, authorities said. (emphasis mine).
Is this the way a local police force is trained to engage under circumstances like this?Is this normal Kannapolis Police Department behavior for a traffic stop on a warrant violation?
Welch did not fire a weapon. Yet he was killed. Two officers opened fire. They did not just disable him, as one might think would have been protocol. Remember, Welch had never fired a weapon on anyone, even in the case of his first conviction, in 2017.
Edgar Welch died in a hospital two days later. Those cops must have fired a good number of times to “stop” this man for being in violation of a warrant. He died IN a hospital, two days after this “traffic stop”.
WHY, after 4 years, was there a even a warrant out for Edgar Welch? No news source I could find bothered to say. Each, however, DID refer to the “conspiracy theory” that was Pizzagate.
I’ve asked a lot of questions, because I believe that the answers may lie in the scurrying of the DC rats as they hurry to cover up their worst crimes. Child trafficking, and their involvement in it, is possibly THE worst, and subject of many more current articles. Epstein, P. Diddy, et. al.
With the change of administrations, spring is coming early in 2025, and with it, housecleaning by the criminals who have occupied out federal government. LOTS of housecleaning by those desperate to escape justice.
Last week’s killing of the young man who fired one shot inside Comet Pizza in Georgetown in 2017 – and damaged a computer – is one such incident. Edgar Welch may still have remembered what he’d seen that day in 2016. Did he promise to tell? Because there were no children present in 2016, as he’d feared, he surrendered and dropped his weapon. Yet, the artwork in Commet pizza has become notorious. Not much of it is still online, but I did find this.
Here is one image, featured by the artist, Arrington DeDionyso, who claims that HE painted this mural at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong in 2016. He asks for “followers” on the website where this was posted. Dionysus is, of course, the Greek god of fertility and festivity.
I will close with this.
There is SO much “conspiracy theory” flack flying at the news of this man’s death, that we can be assured that the PizzaGate has some validity. Remember, it is the story of the exposure of a child sex slavery operation in Georgetown, Washington DC, in which quite a few DC “Biggies” were involved.
Every time, for the past 8 years, that the subject of PizzaGate has arisen, the MSM swings into full defense mode. Flack is always thickest over the target.
From sudden resignations to last-minute legal and legislative action, to attacks on their own, the Luciferian Left is further highlighting its massive and widespread guilt as Trump prepares to take office. The words, “conspiracy theory”, used as often as they have been in the last decade, has come to mean “true”.
In the waning days of the horror that was the 2020 Coup, it’s quite possible that the death of Edgar Welch was the most recent sign that they are desperately trying to cover their filthy tracks. With the inauguration of an administration through which many turds will be dug up, it is quite possible that this young man’s death at the hands of the “law” was more last-minute clean-up by the Luciferian Left.
Just sayin’.
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