Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse Of Our Health System’ Due to Complications From Covid Vaccines

December 13, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff


via: Lew Rockwell

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned of the damage being done to the immune systems of the vaccinated, and the inevitable grave consequences that would result.

A renowned virologist and former senior officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently warned against the dangers of the experimental COVID-19 gene-transfer vaccines, encouraged the un-jabbed to “stay unvaccinated,” and predicted an inevitable “collapse of our health system” due to health complications in the vaccinated.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who once worked as a senior program manager for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and has been considered one of the most talented vaccine creators in the world, issued a video “Message to Austria” on November 20 to coincide with a large rally in Vienna opposing new lockdown measures.

As a first priority, he advised the public, “Never, Ever — allow anything, or anybody, to interfere or suppress your innate immune system,” which is the first line of defense human beings have to fight off all infections.

According to Vanden Bossche, the “vaccine antibodies,” which are induced by the current COVID-19 vaccines, suppress innate immunity and they “cannot substitute for it” since they quickly wane in their effectiveness and cannot prevent infection or transmission of the virus.

Thus, these experimental injections, in contrast to innate immunity, “do not contribute to herd immunity,” he said.

Vaccinating children ‘an absoluteno go!’

This reality is most important in the case of children whose “innate immunity can easily be suppressed by vaccinal antibodies” since their “antibodies are so young and so naïve that they can easily be outcompeted by vaccinal antibodies,” he said.

And since children are protected from many diseases by their innate immunity, including COVID-19, its suppression by these vaccines exposes them to many more dangers, and “could even lead to autoimmune diseases,” the expert warned.

Therefore, injecting children with these biological agents “is an absoluteno go!” the virologist said. “We cannot vaccinate our children with these vaccines.”

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