‘Safe Distancing’ Portland Will Ban Cars On 100 Miles Of Roads

May 5, 2020 in News by RBN Staff

Source:  technocrarynews


Street closures in Portland
Photo: Will Vanlue
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Portland already hates cars so what better excuse than ‘safe distancing’ to ban them from 100 miles of city streets? What are citizens to do? Let them walk or ride bicycles, six feet apart, of course! The social distancing police will have a bonanza of new ticketing opportunities. ⁃ TN Editor

The city of Portland, Oregon will ban cars from 100 miles of roadway in order to encourage social distancing for people walking, biking or running during the coronavirus pandemic.

They closures will primarily affect streets along designated neighborhoods which have lower car traffic in general, according to KGW8Temporary barricades and signage will be installed to alert drivers of the closures.

The plan also includes expanding space for pedestrians along streets that are “narrow or missing sidewalks,” and provide more room with pop-up walking and biking lanes.

In business districts, PBOT said they’ll establish space so customers can line up with enough physical distance, and create dedicated loading zones for pickup and delivery.

The city of Portland has seen a dramatic spike in speeding since the pandemic began and a major decrease in traffic congestion. 

Further details about the plan can be found online. It’s unclear when the closures will begin. –KGW8

When we reach the point that we can re-open, we want to make sure our transportation system is ready,” announced Portland Bureau of Transportation Director Chris Warner.

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