School-Board Association Wants Patriot Act Used against Parents who Oppose Masking & CRT in Schools
October 6, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
Source: Need To Know | Washington Examiner and USA Today
The National School Boards Association, which represents some 90,000 school-board officials, has asked the White House to intervene against parents who oppose Covid masking and teaching racist ideology. The organization says parents are engaged in “domestic terrorism” and asked the White House to use the Justice Department, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security against parents who protest. It even has asked the White House to consider using the USA Patriot Act against parents and community leaders who oppose masking and teaching critical-race theory. The National School Boards Association also wants the White House to designate anti-mask and anti-critical race theory protests as acts of “domestic terrorism” and “hate crimes.” The White House signaled that it is open to using the full power of the federal government against parents who oppose mandatory masking and teaching critical-race theory. -GEG
An organization representing some 90,000 school board officials has asked the White House to intervene against parents who oppose onerous coronavirus masking mandates and the teaching of racialist ideology.
In fact, the National School Boards Association argued this week that parents are engaged in “domestic terrorism” and asked the White House to use the Justice Department, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security against protesters. It has even asked the White House to consider deploying the USA PATRIOT Act against parents and community leaders who oppose mask mandates and the teaching of critical race theory.
The “immediate threat” facing U.S. public school officials requires a coordinated response from top federal law enforcement agencies, National School Boards Association President Viola Garcia and interim executive director and CEO Chip Slaven said this week in a letter to President Joe Biden, citing a number of incidents in which school board officials were threatened or insulted by angry parents and other concerned citizens.
“As these threats and acts of violence have become more prevalent,” they said, “during public school board meetings, via documented threats transmitted through the U.S. Postal Service, through social media and other online platforms, and around personal properties — NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.”
The letter adds, “NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses.”
The board has also asked the White House to deploy the expertise and authority of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to intervene against “threatening letters” and “cyberbullying attacks.”
That’s not all. The school board group wants to take things a step further. It wants the White House to designate anti-mask and anti-critical race theory protests as acts of “domestic terrorism” and “hate crimes.” It wants the White House to bring in the USA PATRIOT Act against protesters.
Excerpt from USA Today:
What’s more, faith in local teachers and school leaders has fallen, according to a USA TODAY/Ipsos poll conducted in late August and early September.
About 76% of the general public approved of their local public school teachers in 2018, but that fell to 65% this fall. Support for school and district leaders also dipped in 2021, the poll showed.
Still, on balance, the majority of adults support COVID-19 mitigation in schools, which is the opposite position of many people leading the fights at school board meetings. On the whole, 65% of adults support states or schools enforcing mask mandates; 65% support mandatory vaccinations for school staff and 59% support mandatory vaccinations for eligible students, the poll showed.
As for critical race theory, 49% of respondents supported teaching about the theory in schools.