School district must pay trans student $4 MILLION after blocking them from male bathroom

December 16, 2021 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Post Millennial | By James Anthony


The female-bodied student was barred from using male restrooms and locker rooms at both Delta Woods Middle School and Blue Springs High School Freshman Campus.

A Missouri school district which refused to allow a gender nonconforming biological female student who has used male pronouns since the age of 9 use the boys’ restrooms has now been ordered to pay $4 million in damages.
A Jackson County Missouri jury ruled against The Blue Springs School District, finding that discrimination had occurred for their refusal to allow the female-bodied student to use boys’ facilities. The student was awarded $175,000 in compensatory damages and $4 million in punitive damages. 
The student, a minor, is known only as RMA in court records. The student’s name and birth certificate were changed in 2014 to reflect their preference to be considered male instead of female.
The female-bodied student was barred from using male restrooms and locker rooms at both Delta Woods Middle School and Blue Springs High School Freshman Campus.
According to the lawsuit, RMA had to make use of a “separate, single person, unisex bathroom outside the boys’ locker room” at the middle school, and, as a high school freshman, didn’t take part in sports altogether, according to local outlet KSHB.
A spokesperson from the school district stated later on Monday that they are going to be “seeking appropriate relief from the trial court and court of appeals if necessary.”
This is thought to be the first lawsuit of its kind coming before a higher court in Missouri. In fact, the suit was originally dismissed by a circuit court, but an appeal was allowed to go forward by the Missouri Supreme Court later.