Seven EU Countries Suspend Use of AstraZeneca’s Covid Vaccine

March 12, 2021 in News by RBN Staff


via: Freedom’s Phoenix | by 

Subject: European Union

Seven EU Countries Suspend Use of AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine

by StephenLendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Like Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J entries for cashing in big on a bonanza of profits from mass-jabbing for covid, AstraZeneca’s entry is experimental, unapproved, hazardous and high-risk with no benefits for individuals putting their health and lives on the line by allowing these companies’ toxins to be jabbed into their bodies.

No one should go near them. Halting AZ’s entry is inadequate because of adverse events that include blood clots.

These hazardous drugs should be banned, mass-jabbing for covid halted entirely— public health, safety, and well-being prioritized henceforth over Pharma profits.

After adverse events occurred in alarmingly large numbers during AZ’s trials, virologist John Jacob’s call for halting its use was ignored.

Over half of AZ’s Phase I and II trial participants experienced adverse events, including serious ones.

After the company’s vaccine got Emergency Use Designation from the WHO when no emergency exists anywhere, the EU and UK followed suit.

Once widespread mass-jabbing with its entry began, unacceptably large numbers of adverse events and deaths occurred.

What never should have been OK’d for human use in the first place, should have been halted once evidence was indisputable about hazards posed by the experimental vaccine.

Bill Gates’ dirty hands are all over pushing for its widespread use in the West and undeveloped countries through his Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative (GAVI) — because of his financial ties to the company.

He stands to make billions of dollars by mass-jabbing toxins into the veins of unwitting victims.

So far in the US, the FDA hasn’t given an emergency OK for mass-jabbing Americans with Astra-Zeneca toxins because of “manufacturing concerns,” ineffectiveness of the drug, and wanting US companies to have a leg up on foreign competition.

South Africa backed off from its use because it’s high risk with no rewards.

Germany withheld authorization. France and other European countries expressed concern about its trial results.

The company’s medical director Andreas Heddini admitted that a greater number of adverse reactions occurred than expected during trials and after widespread mass-jabbing began.

As of March 11, seven EU countries suspended use of its covid vaccine for suspected blood clots and other adverse events.

For now, its use was halted in Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Norway.

Denmark’s Health Authority reported “serious cases of blood clots among people” jabbed with its vaccine two weeks ago.

After a 49-year-old Austrian nurse died from “severe blood coagulation problems” after being jabbed with the company’s covid vaccine, its authorities announced suspension of its use.

It’s been distributed to 17 European countries so far, OK’d for emergency use in over 50 nations.

It continues being used in most of them despite indisputable evidence of its high-risk to health and well-being.

When adverse events show up in the US and Europe from covid jabbing, ruling regimes and their press agent media go into coverup and denial mode.

Like the US CDC, the FDA, and its other public health agencies, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) falsely claims that mass-jabbing for covid isn’t to blamed for large numbers of adverse events showing up from use of these unapproved, experimental drugs.

In response to suspension of AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine by seven European countries, an EMA statement said the move doesn’t reflect termination of its use.

Claiming the vaccine is safe and effective defies reality, betrays the public, and mocks concern for the health of European citizens.

If past is prologue, the EMA and health authorities of countries that suspended use of AZ’s vaccine will likely resume mass-jabbing before end of March — ignoring the high-risk to Europeans.


A Final Comment

As of March 12, two more European nations halted mass-jabbing with AstraZeneca’s hazardous to health covid vaccine — Switzerland and Iceland.

Will others follow in Europe and elsewhere?

Will similar action be taken against Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J?

These experimental drugs are too hazardous to health for anyone to use as directed.

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My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”

“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”