So Now The TPP’s Real Purpose Is Revealed
June 11, 2015 in News by RBN Staff
“Yes, this “trade agreement” is meant to, and will, prevent you from doing things like going to Mexico to get a medicine made there that sells for $100 instead of paying $30,000 for it here”
Source: Market Ticker
The “TPP” has been “negotiated” in secret; our government refuses to release what’s in it and both Congress and President Rob-you-blindBama loves the complicity of both Congress and you.
Now Wikileaks has gotten their hands on the health care component. Well, it’s not called that, but it clearly is that. Yes, this “trade agreement” is meant to, and will, prevent you from doing things like going to Mexico to get a medicine made there that sells for $100 instead of paying $30,000 for it here.
And how will it do that? It will make the price $30,000 everywhere.
Ok, maybe that’s a bit unfair. Maybe it won’t be $30,000. But you can bet it won’t be $100 either or anything close to it.
I’ve spent so much digital ink on this since 2009 because it was clear that unless stopped the medical and pharmaceutical industries, in concert with the so-called “insurance” business, was going to ruin federal, state and local budgets — and you, personally.
I’ll just stop here, because you’re still in your chair and still making excuses, and my keyboard is well-worn.