Social media erupts over ‘faked’ rescue by CNN reporter
September 3, 2017 in News, Video by RBN Staff
By Brian Maloney
Did CNN stage the live, on-air rescue of a stranded Texas motorist?
With many questions still unanswered, that’s the accusation being made by a number of social media users who believe the events are too coincidental to be real. Via Twitter, YouTube and elsewhere, hundreds, if not thousands of people are calling Tuesday’s incident “fake news”.
Given the edited version CNN has since aired, it is hard to determine exactly what did occur.
In the clip, correspondent Drew Griffin is seen running away from his live shot as the camera quickly pans toward a white passenger truck that inexplicably pulled out of a parking lot and drove right into a flooded street.
The driver is then seen doing very little other than watching as his truck slowly drifts out of view. Later, he thanks the CNN crew for supposedly saving his life.
See it here:
On Twitter and YouTube, viewers are focused on Griffin and whether he is wearing different clothing from one “scene” to the next, in addition to other observations. This image has been widely shared:
Determining the truth is difficult without further investigation and because Griffin is a seasoned veteran with a reasonably good reputation for straight-ahead reporting.
Conversely, CNN itself is known for inserting itself into coverage of major world events and has previously been caught manufacturing it outright.
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