Surveys Show Global Trust at All-Time Low as Central Governments Are Losing Control Worldwide

January 22, 2017 in News by RBN Staff



Editor’s Note by Aaron: As usual, the Davos elite have taken up a paternal tone, as they warn the masses against their disbehavior. Like a dictator out of the Hunger Games, etc., is the implicit threat… buck our order and get your populism with a big fat dose of instability, war, chaos, and ultimately, once on your knees, domination under our global “peace” program.

Does the future hold another round of financial servitude, or can the crowd realize the strength in numbers and change things for the better?

Multiple studies are finding that trust in central governments and their institutions (including the establishment media) is at an all-time low around the world.

Love your country, but never trust its government ~ Robert A. Heinlein

Regarding a recently released global survey titled Leader’s Report: The Future of Government Communications, the Guardian reports:

Weakened and distrusted central governments around the world have been incapable of responding to the way the internet and social media have empowered populist but previously fringe groups, a unique worldwide survey of government communication chiefs has found.

The survey spanning 40 countries is the first international review to reveal how deeply governments feel they are losing control and authority over communications.

…how deeply governments feel they are losing control…

Distrust of central governments and institutions of authority plus Internet as an alternative means of gathering information have combined and snowballed into an uprising of nationalism and populism, although the people attempting to run this dog and pony show like to mush those two concepts together with radicalization and extremism… because if you don’t trust your loving central government, you obviously must be a radical extremist.

“When people feel ignored, unheard and unrepresented they turn to alternative sources of information. If governments do not communicate with citizens properly, citizens will go somewhere elsewhere for information,” the report says.

Another way of reading this? “Waaaah! Our propaganda is no longer working!”

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