November 19, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
With ISIS on the ropes, their leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdaadi, probably dead from a Syrian Air Force strike last June in Al–Mayaadeen, and the plans to slice up Syria in shreds themselves, the Damascus government and the Kremlin have sent clear messages to the U.S. to get out of Syria, or else. There are approximately 4,000+ American troops in combat missions supporting the all-Kurd (and some Syriacs/Assyrians) militias claiming to fight ISIS. It is the American plan to remain in Syria indefinitely in order to coordinate the fight against Iranian-backed guerilla forces buttressing the Syrian Arab Army. This is being done to keep the Zionists in both Occupied Palestine and New York City/D.C. happy. There is no other conceivable reason for this violation of another country’s sovereignty.
The U.S. is expected to argue that its presence in Syria is for its own self-defense. Expect WOG OF THE YEAR, Nikki “Rhandawa” Haley, to deploy that same argument when confronted with the ugly truth of the U.S.’s neo-colonialist presence in Syria. And what will the British say? Oh, I suspect they will side with the rule of law seeing that all member states, excepting the Zionist Apartheid Entity, will take that same position. After all, the Brits have run out of patience and fig leaves for their unlawful assault on the government of a member state of the U.N.
If the U.S. chooses to remain despite Syrian demands, the only option left for Damascus after Dr. Al-Ja’afari wags his finger at Ms. Haley, is to attack American forces with Iranian-trained militia-men, including Hizbollah. Besides self-creating another cesspool for U.S. troops, it might even bring on Zionist intervention to help the Yankee ally at his time of need – after all, the Zionist Prime Minister, Mileikowski (a/k/a Netanyahu), has vowed to continue his attacks on Syria in order to prevent Iran from establishing a foothold near the Golan Heights.
Mileikowski, who is facing a multiplicity of indictments related to corruption and defalcation, needs something to divert attention; and what better way than to bring on the Apocalypse? No, my readers, we are heading into a Trumpian disaster of the first magnitude. And if, as Trump trumpets, he is intent on turning North Korea into a parking lot for Hyundai cars, it will be that much worse for the American people. And (yawn), if Trump decides to decertify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal, then, we are in for an even bigger catastrophe. And all this for the Zionist cockroaches.
Russia and China are rubbing their palms with excitement because this is going to herald their inexorable rise to the pinnacles of global power. They know the U.S. cannot fight a 3-front war. Such a scenario will bring on a coup d’etat in Washington (forget impeachment) and will result in the final dumbing down of the United States of America. It’s going to be “Seven Days in May” redux. Unless the American public starts getting involved, American soldiers are going to start coming back in plastics bags in numbers which would humble the war in Vietnam.
Of particular interest is Turkey’s new attitude toward the U.S. It requires no genius to figure out that the Turk army is preparing to move in on the so-called SDF as soon as they have themselves figured out how to do it without killing American soldiers. But, they must tread carefully in this diplomatic minefield. An invasion of Syria is exactly that and the repercussions internationally could be quite shrill. Unless he receives some assurances from Russia and China at the U.N., he will be most circumspect. This is one chapter we have to read with genuine interest.
DAMASCUS: The terrorists in the East Ghoutaa are reading events differently. They believe the U.S. has to pull out of both Syria and Jordan. The debacle at Al-Tanf is proof positive that the U.S. doesn’t have the belly for staying the course. What the rodents don’t understand is that the U.S. was never interested in transferring power to them. The U.S. was only interested in ousting Dr. Assad so as to prevent the gas pipeline from reaching the Syrian littoral which would bring on a precipitous decline in American influence throughout Europe. If the Americans stay in northeast Syria, it’s only because it wants to block the extension of the pipeline, not to embolden the terrorist rodents or the gentrified opposition whom Washington has given up on.
And so, reading the writing on the wall, the rodents in the East Ghoutaa mounted a ferocious attack on the Syrian Army’s Military Vehicles Administration Base in government-controlled Harastaa. On Tuesday, the group calling itself Ahraar Al-Shaam, mounted the attack using cleverly dug tunnels to surprise the defenders. What happened instead was the Syrian Army’s own reaction which was sudden and even more ferocious blunting the attack and killing close to 36 rodents. The Russian Air Force took to the skies immediately and dropped a barrage of munitions on the quivering terrorist vultures
HAMA: The main “tank” sniper in the terrorist group calling itself the “Jaysh Al-‘Izza” was liquidated the day before yesterday in northern Hama. He was said to be the reigning master of the TOW missile system designed to take out armored cars and tanks. Well, the Syrian-developed Saraab 1 put an end to his “glorious” career when the tank’s captain deployed the Saraab and “toppled” the advancing projectile. Since the terrorist was seated in a trench and was watching the events unfold, he was an easy target for the T-72’s gunner who laid waste to the offending vermin. The terrorist’s name? Hamdu Ahmad Al-Hammood.