Ted Cruz’s father elected delegate to the Republican National Convention
May 15, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael, has been there for most of his son’s political triumphs, including the night in 2012 when he won his U.S. Senate seat. (David J. Phillip/The Associated Press)
Source: trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com
by Gromer Jeffers Jr.
Just once more, Rafael Cruz wants to vote for his son as the Republican nominee for president.
The Carrollton preacher is set to be one of 155 Texas delegates to the Republican National Convention in July in Cleveland.
Cruz is on the list of at-large delegates voted on by the National Nominations Committee. That committee selects at-large delegates who will be rubber-stamped Saturday by delegates at the Texas GOP convention in Dallas.
“He is a delegate,” Butch Davis, chairman of the party’s National Nominations Committee, said this morning.
Cruz has other options as well. He could also run to be a delegate in Congressional District 24, an area won by his son in the March 1 Texas primaries.
Each of the 36 congressional districts will pick three delegates. On Saturday, those delegates will be chosen and assigned to either Cruz, New York businessman Donald Trump or Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.
Cruz dominated the March 1 Texas primaries and won the lion’s share of delegates that were at stake.
The National Nominations Committee will meet again Saturday to assign at-large delegates to Cruz and Trump. Cruz won 24 of those delegates, while Trump scored 17.
I’m told Rafael Cruz was steadfast at the National Nominations Committee, telling members that he intended to vote for his son. So it’s likely that he will become pledged to his son on the first ballot in Cleveland.
Though most of the Texas delegation is backing Cruz, Trump is almost certain to have enough delegates to win the nomination on the ballot in Cleveland.
Cruz dropped from the presidential race after a humbling defeat in the Indiana primary.
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