Texas: Teacher Fired for Telling Students to be Nice to Pedophiles

September 19, 2022 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Daily Stormer | Snake Baker

The clip is funny. You can hear the kid say “what the fhh” at the end.

Why do you think these white women are all out there constantly talking about pedophiles now?

It was like this was triggered, then everyone started talking about it at once.

Kind of like the exact same thing as they did with trannies in 2015.

The College Fix:

A high school teacher in El Paso, Texas has been terminated for telling a student in her class not to judge anyone “just because they want to have sex with a 5-year-old.”

In a brief audio clip posted to Twitter, Franklin High English teacher Amber Parker is heard telling “Diego” that he’s “not allowed to label people like that [pedophile].”

Amber Parker, 53

“We are not going to call them that,” Parker continues. “We’re going to call them ‘MAPs,’ Minor Attracted Persons” before noting one shouldn’t judge such people.

According to NBC News.com, the El Paso Independent School District investigated the situation last week, and the school board and board of trustees recommended Parker’s termination shortly thereafter.

The term “minor attracted persons” gained prominence after Old Dominion University’s Allyn Walker used it in an effort to “destigmatize” pedophilia. (Walker ended up resigning from ODU after being put on administrative leave; “they” subsequently were hired by Johns Hopkins.)

El Paso ISD School Board Vice President Daniel Call initially had claimed the audio clip of Parker “was taken out of context.” He changed his mind, however, after seeing the results of the district investigation.

You wouldn’t expect this in Texas, perhaps.

But if you weren’t expecting this in Texas, then you must not have been aware that there are white women in Texas.