Texas Tyranny: Cops Assault Parents, Illegally Deny Citizens Access To School Board Meeting
October 19, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: NewsWars | By KLTV | Banned.video
RBN NOTE — See Also (from September):
– https://www.kxan.com/news/2-men-arrested-in-connection-to-disrupted-round-rock-isd-board-meeting/
– https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/tensions-high-over-meeting-capacity-at-round-rock-school-district-meeting/ar-AAOu9YF
Covid used to circumvent Texas law
A Round Rock ISD open school board meeting was held Tuesday night to discuss whether or not to extend the school district’s mask mandate among other issues.
Parents who signed up to speak came early, many even bringing their own chairs – knowing in the past the tyrannical school board would remove most of the chairs as an excuse that the room would be “at capacity.”
The parents were not allowed to enter the room where the meeting was being held, and only a handful of “approved” people were allowed into the room.
The school board positioned Round Rock ISD Police officers to guard the door and prevent entry – a direct violation of Texas’ Open Meetings Act.
Police got rough and physically assaulted those who tried to peacefully and lawfully enter the room.
One parent ended up being dragged out of the room.
Two of the school board members who spoke up for following the law and allowing parents entry ended up leaving 30 minutes into the meeting because the public was not being granted entry.
The meeting ended up being adjourned and postponed until this Saturday because of “public disruption.”