Thanksgiving Day 2024 | Communitarianism for the Distracted
December 19, 2024 in Columnists, News by RBN Staff
[RBN Note: Please forgive any formatting issues or link problems.]
Thanksgiving Day 2024
Communitarians posit that this “all-encompassing -ism” – as a form of governance or system of asset or resource management, especially and including those resources of the human kind – is so perfect that it need not give rise to any future [or further] conflict or debate in the familiar Hegelian dialectical modeling formula… within, shall we say, a much grander scheme of things.
One can easily imagine living in the hell-hole of a police state. In a zero trust economy…
… for, yes, we have arrived.
Thus IT/AI has very simply been used to usher in an iterative form of modern totalitarianism.
A form of voluntary servitude, one could say.
And IT actually has a name [or a label] attached to IT.
IT also has a law attached to IT.
Which is why its significance.
Man will voluntarily agree to be managed through his/her love affair with his/her own choosing of toys.
Which s/he considers that they just could not survive anymore without.
So Man will be ruled by Machine.
While tacitlty, unwittingly submitting to being systematically poisoned, like 24/7. In every which way – even every occulted way – imaginable.
Thus, s/he will enthusiastically embrace their new imprisonment by cheerfully consenting to also being poisoned – as a means to reducing their blight on a finite world… with less-than-infinite resources.
(Ha-ha… so, yea, right!)
Hence, they made themselves unwitting dupes and useful idiots – just like Lenin predicted. Stampeding like frightened bison towards the edge of the abyss.
You became that hapless insect ensnared by the Spider’s Web of the World Wide Web (WWW?).
End of story.
1961: Aldous Huxley on the power of TECHNOLOGY!
1961: Aldous Huxley on the power of TECHNOLOGY! | In Conversation | Classic Interviews | BBC Archive
Then and Now:
Medieval Feudalism v Corporate Feudalism
“All men, as long as they remain men, before letting themselves become enslaved must either be driven by force or led into it by deception. When they lose their liberty through deceit they are not so often betrayed by others as mislead by themselves.”
– The Politics of Obedience:The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude* (First published in 1548)
By Étienne de La Boétie
Read IT and weep.
Then and Now: Medieval Feudalism v Corporate Feudalism
*Introduction in a modern rendition written by Murray Rothbard
Sidenote: This book was
M. La Boétie’s response to “The Prince,” (1532) by Niccolo Macchiavelli
The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude | Online Library of Liberty
The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude | Online Library of Liberty
Read it here:
Etienne De La Boetie : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Etienne De La Boetie : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
“The Prince”
The Prince – Wikipedia
UTOPIA | Omeleto
Aman Jabbi
The Hollow Men (1925)
Poem by T.S. Elliott
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
The Hollow Men – Wikipedia
Tech Crazies Gone Wild
“Hey, Let’s Talk about the ‘C’ People!”
“Amusing Ourselves to Death” (1985)
Neil Postman contrasted the worldviews of George Orwell and his mentor, Aldous Huxley.
Whose worldview held forth?
All The Things You Never Even Knew You Wanted To Know About Neil Postman
All The Things You Never Even Knew You Wanted To Know About Neil Postman
Cindy Niles
The Third Way
Johnny Vedmore
3 C’s and a Few Wyrds More
My final entry
Problem, Reaction, Solution
More… plus short video tutorials here…
- On Communitarianism: Collected Musings – April 2020
Jenna Shaputis
An “all-encompassing -ism”? Whatever does this mean?
What might IT portend?
Lark on Communitarianism
Lark on Communitarianism
Communitarianism: First Things First
Communitarianism: Tyranny With a Smiley Face (Includes 29m19s audio recording)
Lynn Strawn Davenport
Swallowing an Elephant
A good place, perhaps, to start…
Moral Relativism, Bioethics, Game Theory, and Communitarianism
Julianne Romanello
Two years ago on Facebook…
I wanted to make this available to friends of Niki Friedrich Raapana here on Facebook.
The Art of Memetics
The Art of Memetics
Trust Your Gut
Trust Your Gut
• (9) ECONO-ME
Remember just 9 words to free yourself from slavespeak and communitarian codespeak.
Divided into 3 groupings of 3 words each.
Cindy Niles
Two weeks or so ago…
Lark Cumbie – Communitarianism Uber Alles!–Communitarianism-Uber-Alles
Johnny Vedmore
Humbled and Defanged
Maria Williams
Humbled and Defanged Official video
Angela Autumn
Angela Autumn | “Shooter” | Western AF
Julianne Romanello
This is an excellent piece on COMMUNITARIANISM – the ideological program currently driving all mainstream political, economic, and “civil society” activity. Most of its proponents and agents have no…
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IWWH Ep. 22: Gilad Atzmon & Julianne Romanello
Pilpul for Beginners — Gilad Atzmon thoughts and music
I felt as much five years ago. And ten years ago. Fifteen…
‘The Communitarian Agenda’ will never stop itself on its own. This is the primary reason I’ll soon be freeing myself… from this trying cyber addiction… of incessantly scrolling and surfing…
… everyday a-surfin’ ‘n’ a-scrollin’…
… this f’k’n’ internet thingie!
It’s gotten me precisely to where I am to date.
And IT’s been hard on my health.
My new goal is to finally engage those dastardly locals nearby me… in the real world.
You know. Reality.
Like eyeball to eyeball.
Face to face.
Oh but they won’t see me coming… I promise. They’ll see me as the dog’s dinner.
I may even live long enough to tell ya about it – one long and splendid, even sordid tale… deserving to be told.
If I can’t… or don’t… I hope y’all will live long enough to recount your own story.
It’ll be better than mine… I can promise you that too.
The Communitarian Agenda
The “Communitarian” Agenda – Windows on the World
The “Communitarian” Agenda – Windows on the World
What is Communitarianism? The term “Communitarian” originated in the 19th century and was defined as: “a member of a community formed to put into practice communistic or socialistic theories,” Webster’s changed the definition in 1909 to mean: ‘of,
Sunday Live and Full Show Archive – Windows on the World
Sunday Live and Full Show Archive – Windows on the World
Windows on the World Live Mark Windows LIVE here every Sunday 8pm GMT. You can catch up on our shows anytime by listening to the archive here on the media player If you have problems downloading on Spreaker Download from Podbean: Podbean – Windows