The best argument yet for concealed carry: Milwaukee Black Lives Matter rioters target white people for extreme violence… the police can no longer protect you in America’s race war

August 14, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

Black Lives Matter

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Pardon the bluntness of this article, but it is now obvious that American society is breaking down into social chaos characterized by racially motivated black-on-white mob violence. As much as I have repeatedly called for peace and unity among all citizens to realize the TRUE enemy is a corrupt, criminal government, there are still sectors of society where so-called “Black Lives Matter” rioters have become de factoBlack Power terrorists who are deliberately hunting down and targeting white people for beatdowns and murder. (See shocking video, below.)

To these BLM rioters / terrorists, white people are nothing more than game targets to be hunted and destroyed for the sheer joy of it. This is what Obama’s America has now come to.

Although I repeat my call for peace and calm among all citizens, until the manipulated, brainwashed “social justice warriors” wake up and realize that their real enemies are George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — not Citizen Whitey McWhite — we need to have a serious discussion about divine rights, self-defense and the carrying of legal firearms to halt violence and save lives when the police can’t reach you in time. This advice applies to every law-abiding citizen regardless of their skin color, religion or sexual orientation. All people who believe in the divine right to life, liberty and happiness also deserve to protect themselves from extreme violence.

Make no mistake: Guns save lives when wielded by law-abiding citizens. And if you ever needed one more reason to buy and carry a loaded weapon in self-defense, witness this video from Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars. It depicts the complete breakdown of civil society into a violent race war carried out by Black Lives Matter rioters who racially targeted white people for acts of extreme violence over the weekend (in Milwaukee).

This video obliterates all arguments against the right to carry weapons for self-defense.

In fact, it all but proves the need for armed citizens to defend themselves against the violent criminality of Black Lives Matter rioters, whose own behavior has now devolved into the kind of animalistic vengeance you might expect to find in collapsed third world nations run by armed despots (who carry out their acts of genocide with machetes when guns are not available).

Via Infowars:

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.

“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.

“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.

The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.

The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”

Local reporters were also targeted for violent assaults, including a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter, who was “thrown to the ground and punched”.

WTMJ was forced to pull its reporters from the ground altogether because of violent threats from the mob.

In another clip, rioters are seen burning down a gas station while chanting “black power!”

Watch the video here: