The Day America Changed: Israel National News Contributor Labels FBI’s Raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago “Kristallnacht” – VDH Says US No Longer a Democracy
August 10, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: gatewaypundit
By Joe Hoft
Published August 10, 2022 at 9:30am
Individuals around the world are speaking up against the Deep State FBI’s raid of the President of the United State’s home, Mar-a-Lago. It was the day America changed forever. We won’t forget this.
From the Israel National News, Alan Bergstein wrote an excellent summary of what happened when the FBI stormed President Trump’s home. Here’s an excerpt:
Mark the date in your memory; August 8, 2022. It will be recorded in history as the “Kristallnacht of American Democracy.” Basically the day similar in nature, to the German Nazis’ opening salvo of fascism, the beginning of the extermination of Jews and democracy, on November 9, 1938.
Yesterday was a sad day for all of patriotic Americans, as our former independent federal law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the Justice Department, now officially both under the singular control of the Democrat Party, raided the home of former President Trump and confiscated all of his personal data, without going through the legal processes of obtaining court orders to do so.
TRENDING: Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago
They operated as agents of a radical political party, the Democrat Party, to begin the process of incriminating Trump and thereby preventing his run for office in 2024. All of the formerly independent federal agencies, Homeland Security, the IRS and the Justice Department are now an essential militant part of a totalitarian Fascist government that dominates and is willing and able to prosecute any of us who stray from the paths of the Democrat Party.
Our freedom to speak, act and think as is guaranteed in the Constitution, is gone. And that goes for loyal Democrats, as well. Speak the party line or you’re considered an enemy of the state and will be handled as such; as an enemy of the state. A traitor to be treated as one.
Never before in American history has a former president been falsely, maliciously, targeted, investigated, singled out, labeled, even when he was in office, as treasonous to this country. For 3 years, the likes of Democrat Congresspeople Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and other elected progressives, with the backing of the entire media, educational system and the elitist society, promulgated the outright lie that Trump was an agent under the domination of and in collusion with Putin. No facts were ever produced, but the slime stuck to the walls and had its desired effect among ordinary, naive Americans now howling in delight at the eventual, inevitable prosecution of Trump. They’ve all been tools of those now in totalitarian-like power.
I point the accusing finger at them. Each and every individual supporting this current administration is part of the battering ram that has led to the destruction of the pillars of freedom we once appreciated and lived under. Now, gone. I’m holding them responsible.
Victor David Hansen was on FOX News on Tuesday night. He shared that what took place on Monday means we don’t have a Democracy anymore. VDH said, “And I don’t think we do”.
Hansen also shared that there’s no rule of law right now in Washington and went on to diagnose in a few short minutes the current status of the corrupt FBI and the nation.
Charles Ortel wrote a piece at American Thinker where he begins with the following:
In the spectacle playing out in Palm Beach, Florida, where armed thugs wearing FBI jackets stormed the residence of former President Trump and his family, ostensibly in search of classified materials stored there, ordinary people see clearly how far a once great nation has already sunk down into the gutter—republic meet banana and forget about rule of law.
Leaving aside valid questions about whether the materials in question were classified or declassified, the raid on Mar-a-Lago is certainly not justified, as Donald Trump and his legal advisors seem to have been cooperating with the National Archives to ensure that Presidential Records remained under federal government control, starkly in contrast with how the Clinton family has handled such records over decades.
So, political insiders who enrich the donor class and use family members to collect spoils from foreign governments are protected in modern America, but outsiders who actually win elections and then try to keep promises and clean up corruption are pounded into oblivion, as influence-shapers cheer?
I was there on Monday night. I saw the FBI agents standing brazenly outside our President’s home. Guarding their raid and actions inside the President’s house with machine guns. It was sad and scary. Our country had been taken over by force. Just like our 2020 Election was.
I turned to Dr. Gina Loudon from Real America’s Voice and said, “Today America Changed” because it did.