The Essential Catherine Austin Fitts Reader

April 17, 2014 in News by RBN Staff

Source: Video Rebel’s Blog

Catherine Austin Fitts has told us that the bankers are buying out all of the real assets with money they stole from us. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went missing from Defense Department spending. Rumsfeld promised they would do a better job at tracing the missing money by the end of George Bush’s second term. That promise was not fulfilled. Instead on the morning of September 11, 2001 what was alleged to be Flight 77 approached the Pentagon, missed Donald Rumsfeld’s office by doing a 270 degree turn and killed the auditors who had been trying to trace that missing trillions.

Catherine was US Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration. She once said she found one block in San Diego that had lost 20 million dollars in HUD loans made on properties that never existed and did not even have postal street addresses.

On March 22, 2000 Susan Gaffney, Inspector General of Housing and Urban Development, testified before the US House of Representatives that she had to adjust the books 284 times and write off 77.2 billion dollars for the fiscal years 1998 and 1999. A Congressman asked her if she did anything other than adjust the books. She said she did nothing other than adjust the books meaning she did not even try to recover the stolen money.

Catherine developed Community Wizard which was a program that would tell voters how much federal money was spent in each zip code so we could get control of government spending. Catherine was sued and investigated 19 times to run her out of Washington DC. Honest men and women of integrity are not allowed to be anywhere your Banker Occupied Government.

I estimate that we are losing 3 to 4 billion dollars a week from the DOD, HUD and other agencies. We are not allowed to audit federal spending. The bankers are allowed to steal our money and to use it to buy the real assets with money they stole from us while exempting themselves from taxes. We are given the bill and charged interest because they created the money our of nothing to fund their deficits. We are also losing assets from inflation while we gave the bankers more than 30 trillion dollars in Banker Bailouts.

I would like to quote an earlier article inspired by the works of Jim Willie.

In June of 2010 approximately 17.3 billion dollars (at a rate of 4 billion dollars a week for 4.3 weeks) was stolen from unaudited government spending. But for the sake of believability I will cut that estimate by 3 billion down to 14.3 billion dollars. This helped run the deficit up from 53.7 billion dollars to 68 billion. So the Treasury in June of 2010 had to raise a total of 68 billion including the 14.3 billion Catherine was speaking about. The New York FED and the primary dealers sold a total of 211 billion dollars. If you subtract the 68 billion actually needed from the 211, you get a total of 143 billion dollars bankers pocketed from the sale of phony Treasury bonds. Now go back and add in the 14.3 billion to the 143 billion and you get a total of 157.3 billion dollars the bankers stole in just one month from you.

Catherine tied this missing money from DOD, HUD and other agencies to the narcotics trade. She is famous for her series entitles Narco Dollars for Beginners. Catherine never names a criminal responsible for a crime as she would not live long. She used to be managing partner at Dillon Read Investment bank so she is in a narrower path than we are. She says this stolen money is multiplied by laundering drug money and by investing in commodities futures.

The banks launder over a trillion dollars a year in drug money and 400 billion dollars in illegal weapons sales. Asia Times magazine says the bankers also launder 500 billion dollars a year in political bribes.

I have previously noted that the Rothschilds and other Jews owned 90% of the ships during the African slave trade, They bought Africans for $20 and sold them for $3,000 in America. But the bankers had a replacement for the slave trade which England abolished in 1832. They started the international drug trade. You might remember the First Opium War of 1835 from history class. Today less than $2 in an agricultural product can be sold for $2,000 in the streets of New York. But bankers do not have to buy boats. The Global Hawk, a drone version of the U2 spy plane, has a 3,400 pound compartment that can fly opium pasted all over the world. The taxpayers pay for the 179 million dollar drone and pay for the jet fuel too. That 100,000 people a year die of drug overdoses does not bother them. That the average age of a first time heroin user in America is 14 1/2 years is music to their ears. They want you to live in a world with overwhelming corruption so you can never get the government to respond to you and your most basic needs. Hopefully, you will become discouraged and give up on expecting political changes. And then eventually you will accept a dictatorship Of, By and For the Bankers.

Catherine has also noted that the bankers are centralizing power by shutting down their competition. An example would be small farmers who are being fined for too much dust from plowing their fields. She wants Genetically Modified Organisms to be labeled as they are poisons. GMO labeling would allow small farmers raising healthy food can compete. GMO seeds produce less food than normal seeds which is causing food shortages, higher prices and starvation. Premises ID and animal ID seemed designed with a lot of other regulations to give control of food to a small group of corporations.

Another example of centralization would be President Obama shutting down coal fired power plants that are not owned or operated by General Electric. This has raised utility rates on Americans from 25% to 80% depending where you live. And General Electric is a company that does not pay US taxes. In fact GE sent jobs to China. General Motors was given 22 billion dollars to move jobs overseas. Cadillac is now a Chinese car and all GM design and research is being shipped to China. America lost 56,000 manufacturing plants but is still losing 23 plants a day. A man said recently that his wife lost her job after 8 years because the company was shutting down forever. He mentioned other plants in his area that had also shut down.

Catherine says the bankers want a digital currency. If the banks are correctly seen as instruments of those above them then sending banks into bankruptcy is permissible after they have finished stealing all of our money. Of course we will be given a greatly increased Treasury debt. A 20 trillion dollar debt at 5% interest can only be paid for by Austerity cuts to Food Stamps, education, health care and pensions.

Catherine sees depopulation in our future which I would call the Greatest Starvation. MIT said they expect at least half a billion people to die from starvation and food riots. There have been hundreds of studies from Foundations funded by the Uber Rich that 5 or 6 billion of us commoners must die.

Listen to Catherine talk to you about Genocide.