The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields
May 5, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: lewrockwell
Leading doctors like writer Peter Breggin and his journalist wife Ginger, author of this piece, say Americans must fight for the Hippocratic Oath or lose all faith in medicine and U.S. sovereignty.
By Ginger Ross Breggin and Peter R. Breggin MD
Rescue With Michael Capuzzo
May 5, 2022
The terror campaigns, the bullying, the arbitrary and ever-changing orders coming from the World Health Organization and our federal and state administrations have resulted in the destruction of the world-class system of American medical care.
In the U.S., in March 2020, we were told that we needed to lock down for two weeks to protect our hospitals from being swamped with sick and dying covid-19 patients. We were also told assertively that the new pandemic could cause up to 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. alone. That model was flawed at the outset. Author Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College London was known for his earlier “sensational death estimates from mad cow disease, bird flu, and swine flu.” Three strikes, and he should have been out. Instead of striking him out, his flawed model provided much of the justification for establishing and enforcing the draconian lockdown rules.
Since then, citizens have been betrayed again and again by the public health system, representatives of medicine and public health in the U.S., including Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, directors of the CDC, NIH, and executives with the Department of Health and Human Services. We have learned of multiple betrayals and manipulations of data by international medical journals, universities, medical centers, and public health officials. The pandemic prevention and treatments were ordered by the World Health Organization, a specialized agency chartered by the United Nations to protect global health and coordinate international health issues, including epidemics or pandemics.
If medical professionals had held the line, had upheld their ethics and the Hippocratic Oath, had demanded rational treatments for their patients, and had stood up to bullying by their administrators and state public health officials, the local health care quality would have been preserved, and the cold, heartless quality of assembly line medical “care” would have been rejected.
In America, with all its patient rights protections, there are crisis cases of very ill patients admitted in life-threatening distress to hospitals around the country whose families request medical interventions for covid-19 symptoms. Hospitals have refused family requests and personal physician demands for the best available treatments.
There are instances where hospitals are placing patients on Do Not Resuscitate orders, despite the family and patient refusing them. Some cases have been won in court, and patients have been saved from near-death by the treatments the courts ordered hospitals to deliver. Other patients had died when nothing moved the hospital to change its course of action.
“It’s therapeutic nihilism to say that doctors can do nothing,” Dr. Paul Marik said. “Supportive care is no care at all.” Dr. Marik, sixty-three, is the endowed professor at the Eastern Virginia Medical School and a world-renowned clinician-researcher. He has been described as “America’s most published critical care doctor [who] made some of the greatest breakthroughs of the pandemic, saving countless lives globally.”
As documented meticulously in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, courageous physicians of conscience were developing early treatment plans that prevented the worst of the covid-19 disease processes, keeping patients safe at home and in recovery. Two main courses of treatment evolved through the brilliance and tenacity of heroic doctors: hydroxychloroquine with zinc, azithromycin, ivermectin, and other supplementals. They proved to be miracle drugs that, when administered, brought about recovery from some of the worst and deadliest symptoms that landed patients in hospitals, on ventilators, and suffocating from lack of oxygen. Further treatment plans have been developed, and all the plans are consolidated, maintained, and updated by the Truth for Health Foundation.
Grace Schara was a nineteen-year-old young woman with Down Syndrome. Her father, Scott Schara, was Grace’s patient advocate under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so he was able to stay with her when she was hospitalized with covid in September 2021. Despite all the father’s efforts, “if he had known then what he knows now, his daughter would still be alive. He cannot explain why a hospital would dictate care based on faulty medical equipment, isolate Grace from ADA advocates, prevent her from eating to the point that she needed a feeding tube, restrain her, unilaterally label her DNR, administer an ICU sedative for an extended time, and finally combine it with narcotics that rapidly ended her life,” said a report in the New American. “I agree the medications killed your daughter,” Scott was told by an intensivist after a review of her records. “What happened to Grace is awful and scandalous; unfortunately, this is what is happening across the country. Hospitals have become dangerous places for patients.”Since her death, her father has gone on to speak about the abuses, the neglect, and the outright harm caused by the hospital where Grace died and to advocate for a return to patient-centered treatment.